[MMF] Getting unexpectedly fucked by my two friends

I met Nick and Dave when I was a sophomore in college, and they were seniors. We ran in enough circles together that we became friendly, and eventually adopted into their friend group. I was close with many of them, but probably Nick and Dave the most. They would visit a lot after they graduated, and when I graduated and moved last year, they said they’d come and visit. For context, they could have been brothers given how they looked: about 6 feet, give or take an inch, frequent gym partners so broad shouldered with muscled but not bulky bodies, and brown hair. Since graduating, Nick had developed a low profile beard which suited his face well. I, on the other hand, was always short, about 5’3”, but had been to the gym enough that I had an ass I was proud of, and breasts that got stares at bars, but nothing insane.

Last week, Nick and Dave were going to be in town very last minute for the weekend and I (23F) offered to let them crash at my place. My roommate was out of town visiting her boyfriend, and our apartment was close to some great bars. Nick and Dave came in Friday afternoon and we decided to bar hop that night – I knew they wanted to hit on girls and knew some great spots to do so, hoping I would also get lucky with a guy at the bar.