Chapter 1: How The Fling w/ My [F] Professor [M] Began While I was Studying Abroad in Europe. [Teasing] [Long]

# *I kept a journal throughout this entire time period, so all the details are accurate & true.*

**So, for context, when I was 21-22 I had a fling with a professor in his mid-late 30s while I was studying abroad in Europe**. This prof was from the university I was attending, but was going on the trip because he was potentially taking it over. We had started the class(es) about a month before departure & all the profs & students going on the trip attended ea. meeting. We even had a cookout at one of the profs houses the week before we left. This was to help everyone get to know each other, so with this in mind, I already knew him a bit before we even got to Europe.

While in Europe, everyone became close knit as we would have dinner together as a group, watch films together, go to pubs, go on “field trips”, many of these things the profs also did with us. All of us even lived in the same building, only being separated by a floor or two. All of this helped set a very laid back tone for the whole trip and everything felt a bit removed from typical academia.