Stay quiet (MF)

I reached for the shelf above me, the book in my hand hovering in the air as I stood on my toes. Gritting my teeth, I stretched my arm forward as far as I could, gingerly wedging the corner of the hefty volume between its two neighbors. *Almost there…*

With a deafening crash, the top shelf tipped forward and dumped almost a dozen books onto me. I sprawled onto the floor, my glasses halfway off my face, and had to stop myself from shouting profanities. The re-shelving cart was tipped over now, setting me back another twenty minutes, and I could feel the tension in my shoulders increasing. *How did I get here?* I thought to myself as I scrambled on my hands and knees. Only a few years ago, I had been the pride of my sorority house, able to get and please any man. If only I could go back to a time when my long legs weren’t covered by a calf-length wool skirt, and my busty figure wasn’t obscured by itchy sweaters. I could feel the male students watch me whenever I walked by, and while I secretly gloried in their guilty glances, it was nothing compared to the appreciation I used to get. Sometimes I just wanted a man to tell me how much he wanted me, and to show me…

After school (MF) (teacher and student)

I licked my lips nervously, and tried to pull down my skirt. I didn’t want to get a detention for being out of uniform during the last week of my senior year, much less a detention from Mr. Anderson. I knocked on the door lightly, and waited until I heard his warm, muffled shout of “Come in!”

He was sitting behind his desk, the full afternoon sun slanting across his features. I felt a pinch in my stomach – or lower than my stomach – every time I looked at him. His shirt was taut across his broad chest and biceps, rolled up to expose the veins that crawled from his wrists to his forearms. His lips curled easily into a smile, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of them.

“I’m here for my meeting.”

“Of course! My last grade evaluation of the day, saved the best for last…” He pulled out a folder with my papers over the past semester, and jumped into an in-depth description of my essay skills, or something. All I could think about was how damn good he looked, and how horny I had been all day. I could feel my panties getting wetter beneath my green checked skirt, and my inner thighs tensed. I had to keep myself under control, but with him so close to me, it was so hard…