Temper and Ackles Dairy Company [lactation][milking][scifi]

The elevator hissed as it came to a halt. The doors opened revealing a tall woman, her blonde hair tied back in a tight bun. A pair of sharp looking glasses adorned her face. A name tag pinned to her lab coat read "DR. CALIMORE", but that was hardly the first thing you noticed about her chest. Her ample cleavage poked out through her lab coat, and judging by the way it was securely fastened around her, one might guess there was nothing underneath it. It was also long enough to suggest that there was nothing below her waist either, save for a professional looking pair of black high heels. Armed with a clipboard, she led a group of younger looking people out of the elevator onto the steel floor of the factory.

Charlotte’s Graduation Party [mf][mast]

I have another story that takes place before this involving some of the same characters. While this story does take place after the other, you do not need to read the first story to understand this one. However, if you'd like to read it, the story will be linked in the comments below.


My head rested against the wall, a quiet moan escaping my lips.

Charlotte Parks, my best friend since middle school, was throwing a graduation party, mostly for the band kids. Being her best friend and a not-so-bad tuba player, I was obviously invited. Since we were no longer high school students, having walked across the graduation stage just a week before, her parents and younger brother abandoned the house for the night, letting Charlotte have free reign of the place. A few non band kids had been invited, namely Sean, whose last name I didn't know. Sean, who Charlotte introduced me to the day before, saying that we'd make a cute couple. Sean, who was doing a fantastic job with his tongue between my legs.

This One Time on the Way to Band Camp [f][fm][voy]

Roughly twelve hours away from our high school, a college held a sort of 'band camp', to attract potential recruits. As a treat, the senior class members of band were invited to spend the night on a charter bus to get there, meet some people, play, and just have fun. While the first few hours of the trip had been most of the kids goofing off, darkness fell, the bus became quiet, and everyone was fast asleep.

Except for some girl who played tuba. Me.

Hyped up on energy drinks, I buried my face into my arms in a futile attempt to catch some ZZZ's on the long bus ride. I was lying down on my belly, stretched across the length of my seat. It was a little uncomfortable for my boobs, but any other position guaranteed that the blaring 'emergency' light would shine in my face, even with my sweater's hood pulled over my head. After what seemed like hours, my eyelids finally started to feel heavy. I would've fallen asleep right there, if not for a sharp whisper.

"Babe. Babe, wake up!"