[M]22 I’ve been loving my change of heart and helping out Bros live it up

I’m in a frat. My first semester freshman year I kept going to parties and seeing these super hot girls in those typical college dresses. I’d get to maybe flirt a bit and get all excited only for them to leave with another guy. So I decided to join a frat and take part in these mixers they have to get better access to these awesome girls.

Honestly it worked like a charm. Every mixer and formal is basically guaranteed ass. For my sophomore year I just rolled with it and hooked up as much as I could. But then I remembered what it was like before and decided to spend my junior and senior year different.

At our open parties which anyone was welcome to come to I would make an effort to find a sorority girl I knew or even some other hot girl there. Then I’d find some guys who were obviously feeling awkward and set them up with my girls friend. Or even have my girl go grind up on them.

[MMF] Me and my friend went on spring break with our GFs. It turned out the frat guys we ended up partying with wanted more than to drink with us

So me and my friend went on spring break together with our GFs. It was our first time going to a destination for it so we didn’t know what to expect. On our first day we were at an area with a bunch of bars and other college students partying. We ended up ordering drinks next to some guys who started making small talk with us and it led to them saying we should come to the party their frat was hosting.

We went and it was pretty typically. Beers shots and all that. The guys that took us introduced us to people and made sure we had drinks the whole time. After a bit they asked us if we wanted to go up to their room to chill for a bit and do more shots. When we got their we did a few shots.

The two guys kind of had me and my friend away from the girls and asked if we’d ever shared them and if we wanted to try it. Our girls were obviously eyeing them up all day so I wasn’t sure. I didn’t want to get out done. But I was also drunk and ready to fuck. Me and my friend said we’d be glad to share them.