The hook up [MF] [younger man/older woman]

She was 52 and had finally reached that point in her life. That point where she realized she was tired of being the trophy wife, homemaker, mom, entertaining her husbands clients.

She had passions, kinks that she wouldn’t tell a soul about that swirled in her head as she masterbated (almost daily now and sometimes twice a day). Her sex drive since her 20s was always unusually high from what her girlfriends told her and thought after kids it would slow down but it only increased!! WTF!!

She hated the thought of cheating on her husband but tired of 3 minutes of missionary style sex once a week for him to basically get off on her. She wanted to sexually live again… to have an orgasm with a cock inside her or a mouth on her clit or to be fucked so hard her legs would be like jello….. to have a man go the distance because he gets off to a woman getting off first while fucking!!! To squirt!!!

She married a good man but not a sexually, kinky, take charge man! A few times a year she would get oral from him but she was sexually starving!!!! He felt his large cock was enough but she wanted more!! She had to have more!! Clock was ticking… in her mind.