My girlfriend’s cock is bigger than mine, part 2. (MTS | anal | bj )


I had never been so exhausted as I was that evening, getting your ass drilled by a giant cock for the first time takes a toll on you. I passed away on her bed, snuggling my head among her generous tits. I could hear her heart beating, and the warm heat of her skin.

When I woke up back my ass hurt, I carefully untangled from her arms and went to the bathroom. When went back to the room I stared at her. She was snoring lightly, her arms open to both sides, her tits falling to each side and leaving her chest skin tensed. And her cock. Oh good gods her cock.

I sat on the bed trying not to disturb her and got my face right next to it. It pulsed slightly with her heartbeat, the balls moving on their own accord, big and heavy. The rugged skin of the sack changing every time one of the balls changed their location. I could see one or two stray hairs that had escaped trimming.

My girlfriend’s cock is bigger than mine (MTS | anal | bj | exhibitionism )

My girlfriend’s cock is bigger than mine.

I met my girlfriend on the beach, of all places. I had come out of a bad relationship a few months prior, unsurprisingly related to my tiny cock. My then girl just got bored of it I guess, but it might have been my constant bitching and self inflicted deprecation, who knows. In any case I met Cassandra at the beach.

She was on a lazy chair sunbathing and I was playing with my dog. I threw his ball but the wind caught it and fell next to her. She was startled when a huge hyperenergetic golden retriever jumped at her searching for it. I ran to apologize and had to grab Mr Woofer by the collar.

“Sorry miss,” I said, she was shockingly beautiful, long dark hair, big puffy lips with a smile waiting to shine, dark green-brown eyes, a huge pair of tits that she showcased to all to see on a tied two part bikini, and between her legs, the largest bulge I had seen on a girl outside of the internet.

“Don’t worry pretty boy,” she said winking and started to pet my dog, “whose a nice boi? eh? whose a nice boi?” She said while petting him.