In the Nest with Christie–Chapter One (Slow-Burn Stepbrother/Stepsister)


I was oozing pre-cum, about to bust a nut, when my stepmother knocked—two quick raps—and opened the door. “Hunter, we’re leaving for church.”

My reflexes were sharp. In one swift motion, I threw the blanket over my cock and swung my legs over the bed, turning away from her as I sat up. *“Okay!”*

Therese yelped, backed out, and yanked the door closed. I was pretty sure she saw nothing, but a distinct strain enters a man’s voice when he pretends you didn’t just catch him jacking off. And my frantic, full-body flail hadn’t exactly been subtle.


My goal this weekend was to prove I was NOT a pervert.

At least she didn’t know who I was fantasizing about.


Her daughter.

My nineteen-year-old stepsister.

“Are you, uh, sure you have everything you need?” Therese said through the door. The strain in her voice told me she knew exactly what I’d been doing. Fuck, fuck, *fuck.*

“Yeah, I’m fine!”

I stood and pulled my boxers up. My cock popped through the peephole, unrepentant, demanding attention even after the horror it had caused.

In the Nest with Christie–Final Chapter (FINALLY!) [stepbrother/stepsister] [cunnilingus] [creampie] [passing out from orgasm]



I didn’t mean to rip her dress.

She was turned away from me when I stormed into her room. She’d unzipped the back of the dress and was pulling the sleeves down from her shoulders. I spun her around and mashed my mouth against hers. At the sound of ripping fabric, we froze—but then went on kissing and groping each other. Her dress had a built-in bra, so now her boobs were exposed. Their naked firmness against my shirt-covered chest drove me crazy. When she hoisted herself up and wrapped her legs around my hips, I tore her dress all the way down the back. Then I threw her on the bed, impatient to get my own clothes off.

Christie was impatient, too. She jumped to her knees and reached for my pants, licking her lips and baring her teeth. Damn, she was hungry.

So was I.

I let her undo my belt, unbutton my pants, and pull down my fly while I flailed out of my shirt. Before she got her greedy little hands on my cock, though, I shoved her backward.

She’d been toying with her food all goddamn day. I was ready to eat.

In the Nest with Christie–Chapter Six [stepbrother/stepsister] [m/f]



This wouldn’t take long.

I locked the bathroom door, stepped to the toilet, undid my pants, and prepared for a joyless, biologically necessary ejaculation.

But I kept getting distracted by my shock at Christie’s calculated cruelty. How could she do this to me? And with our *parents* in the room, while sitting on the sofa with her *mother*—which, okay, yeah, made it hotter, but also more diabolical. Jesus. She was a *monster*.

Okay, shake it off. Back to work. Stroke, stroke, stroke.

Then my mind was blown all over again, because wait, she’d been fucking her own foot, and, oh my God, she sat on her feet *all the damn time.* It was a cute, innocent pose—or so my dumb ass always thought. Holy fucking fuck, how many times had she done exactly what I’d seen today, right in front of me, without me knowing?

Okay, never mind, forget it—time to shoot my load.

I squeezed my eyes shut and stroked.

My nut rose to the surface, my balls tightened, my dick throbbed, and…


An ear-splitting jungle noise reverberated off the tile walls.

In the Nest with Christie–Chapter Five [m/f] [stepbrother/stepsister] [exhibitionism/voyeurism]



I swear to God I don’t have a foot fetish. Yet, once again, Christie’s feet had coaxed pre-cum from my cock. I was worried it would seep through the light-colored fabric of my pants. So, as Therese and my dad entered the kitchen, I lurched away from Christie to keep the island between their eyes and my crotch.

The sudden movement startled Therese, who darted her eyes to me, then Christie, then back to me.

“Mom,” Christie said, “I am so, *so* sorry about church. I slept in late, and—”

Therese cut her off. *“Where’s Aaron?”* Though addressing her daughter, she glared at me, like maybe I’d offed the guy.

Christie was halfway off the stool, no doubt intending to greet Therese with a hug, but she stiffened at her mother’s brusque tone. After a pause, she resumed her perch, swiveling to turn away from Therese and fill another pastry. “You mean the boy with the arrogant smile who shares vulgar memes and has a friend list full of degenerates? I broke up with him. Aren’t you happy?”

Therese tossed her purse on the table and rolled her eyes. “I didn’t call his friends *degenerates*. For Heaven’s sake, I’ve never even met him.”

In the Nest with Christie–Chapter Four (m/f)(stepbrother/stepsister)



After taking leave of Mrs. Tokarski, I snuck in through the back door and tip-toed into the kitchen, ears pricked for sounds of Christie’s presence.

Where was she?

As the pounding of my heart in my ears receded, I heard the muted roar of running water.

Christie was in the bathroom, filling the tub.

She was taking a bath.

To wash off my cum.

*Oh, sweet Jesus.*

I treaded lightly down the hallway. When she shut the water off, I winced at every floor creak. I placed her shoulder bag in front of the closed bathroom door, then skittered to my room. I, too, yearned to clean myself, but from the brief time we’d lived together, I knew Christie could soak in the tub for hours even when *not* defiled by stepbrother semen. If I wanted to shower before our parents returned, I’d have to use the master bath.

In the Nest with Christie—Chapter Three (m/f) (stepbrother/stepsister) (accidental foot-job) (bukkake)


I lay stunned on accommodatingly bendy branches for what seemed a long time.

Christie recovered before I did. Leaves rustled around me as she stirred. When she slapped my foot away, I dimly surmised it had been wedged between her boobs. I didn’t perv over it.

Damn. We could’ve died.

Her efforts to untangle herself intensified. She wriggled and twisted. The branches shook as if the bush was now fighting to keep hold of her, then *swoosh*—she broke free and thumped to the mulch. “Fuck,” she grunted.

Her vulgar outburst pleased me, pervily enough. Unlike her mother, Christie swore sometimes if the situation called for it, but ‘fuck’ was strictly an early morning word for her, used only when padding through the house in a grumpy, half-awake haze before her first cup of coffee. *Where’s the fucking creamer? Where’s my fucking phone? How much fucking longer will you be in the bathroom?*

I smiled at the memories. Grumpy Christie was as sexy as Perky Christie, just in a different way.

My inertia dissipating, I shifted on the branches and *swoosh*—dropped straight to the ground in the back of the bush.

In the Nest with Christie—Chapter Two (m/f) (stepbrother/stepsister)


The first thing I did after Dad’s car sputtered away was to snatch my phone from my dresser and tap desperate texts to former high school friends who I hoped might be free to hang out tonight. I didn’t care what we did. I just had to get out. After humiliating myself in front of my stepmother, I couldn’t bear to be stuck here all night with her *and* Christie *and* Christie’s oh-so-perfect, boy-band-beautiful boyfriend. Fuck that shit. I’d rather die. Or spend the night playing Dungeons and Dragons in my dorkiest friend’s mother’s basement.

Impatient for someone to answer my texts, I paced.

Minutes passed.

My anxiety grew.

I should lie down, I thought. Close my eyes. Relax.

When I turned to my bed, I promptly changed my mind. It looked like a bomb exploded on it, pillows scattered like blown-off heads, mangled sheets twisting to the floor like limp bodies.

This bed—this room was ground zero of my horrific morning. No way could I relax here.

Phone in hand, I fled for the kitchen. I was a chef, and nothing soothed my soul like preparing food.

In the Nest with Christie—Chapter One (mf) (stepbrother/stepsister)


I was oozing pre-cum, about to bust a nut, when my stepmother knocked—two quick raps—and opened the door. “Hunter, we’re leaving for church.”

My reflexes were sharp. In one swift motion, I threw the blanket over my cock and swung my legs over the bed, turning away from her as I sat up. “Okay!”

Therese yelped, backed out, and yanked the door closed. I was pretty sure she saw nothing, but a distinct strain enters a man’s voice when he pretends you didn’t just catch him jacking off. And my frantic, full-body flail hadn’t exactly been subtle.


My goal this weekend was to prove I was NOT a pervert.

At least she didn’t know who I was fantasizing about.


Her daughter.

My nineteen-year-old stepsister.

“Are you, uh, sure you have everything you need?” Therese said through the door. The strain in *her* voice told me she knew exactly what I’d been doing. Fuck, fuck, *fuck*.

“Yeah, I’m fine!”

I stood and pulled my boxers up. My cock popped through the peephole, unrepentant, demanding attention even after the horror it had caused.