My most humiliating story with my ex… never told before [MF]… kind of [MFM]

So, I had been going out with my girlfriend at the time for about a year (this was about 5 years ago).

We didn’t live together but she spent most nights at my house, which I shared with 2 friends. We had been arguing quite a bit for weeks and she asked me to go to a party her friend was throwing. It was all her friends and I only knew a couple of them through her, so I said I would give it a miss. My plan was to stay in and play video games with the housemates.

So anyway, me not going caused a big fight and she kept asking me to reconsider. I didn’t back down and a few nights later she went to the party alone. I sent her a text before she went out and told her to have a good time and that I would make it up to her. No reply.

I had a great evening with my friends and we played video games until about midnight. I went to bed and the other two stayed up longer.