My colleague and her intern (MFF)

Trace and I have only been working together for a short period but we clicked and got along very well from the get go. We both were more career focused than relationship hunting so (for now at least) were purely satisfying each other’s sexual desires on an irregular basis. You’d think I’d be going into the story of the first time she accidently fell onto my upright rod, but that’s probably too vanilla for this sub.

No, this story takes place at the end of the first week of my colleague getting a freshly graduated college intern. She was Steph, a shy and reserved Asian who was probably brought up under a tiger mum and never allowed to drink let alone party. Friday night drinks are a ritual at our workplace, and since it was Steph’s first week Trace and I offered to shout all her drinks.

Not that she drank much though. It wasn’t too late at this stage but I was getting to that stage where I needed my fix. I gave Trace the look and she was game. I gave Trace a nod towards Steph and she got the hint. With a little convincing we found ourselves on a train ride back to my apartment across the city.