Getting in Trouble at School [F-f][Spank][Reluc][Huml][No sex][fiction] (posted by the author)

From kindergarten through high school, I attended a small catholic school that did not allow much freedom for the students. The school had one class per grade, each with about 30 students. Having grown up together, my classmates and I knew each other almost too well. We formed tight friendships, but tended to be cliquish. The education was reasonably rigorous, although several of the teachers and aides were just church parents who worked at the school out of convince because their children attended. In the lower grades, one teacher would handle all of the classes except for physical education (PE), music, computers, and Spanish, which had a separate teacher come to class several times each week. By the time we got to junior high, we would rotate classes. There were separate teachers for social studies, math, and science too. The homeroom teacher for our grade handled grammar and English, electives such as art, and religion.