The Brothers Grimm (Part 1) (incomplete) (long) [forced] [MF]

Note: This is my first attempt at erotic fiction, or any fiction in general tbh. I banged this out during work breaks over the last two days after a strange bout of inspiration. I just felt like presenting it in its raw, incomplete form. Feedback is welcome.


“Come on now, hands in the air.” Jack pointed his rifle loosely at the two women.

Their shoulders jolted and they turned around sharply, surprised at the fact that there was another person within a mile of them in the forest, let alone within speaking distance. The smaller one noticed the rifle first and screamed. The second girl, injected with fear, instinctively began running away.

That was when Jim popped out from behind a tree with a pistol and pointed it at the running girl, stopping her dead in her tracks. Her knees instantly buckled. “Oh my god! Please don’t shoot me! Please!” she sobbed.

“Calm down lady, nobody wants to shoot you,” Jim said.

“Don’t point it at meeeee!”

“Just stand up. Go back to your friend. We just want to talk to you. Come on now.” He holstered his pistol and reached out his hand to help her up. “Why are you on our property?”