[F] A weirdly interesting experience at the gym

One day earlier this month, I was at the gym in the morning at dawn, as usual. I had just gotten there, and I was stretching before my workout. A guy, around 20, who I had seen before but never talked to, came and said “Hey how are you today?” He seemed like a nice guy, so I didn’t mind chatting. After some small talk, I got a feeling that he assumed that I knew him. I asked “I’m sorry, do I know you?” He laughed and was a little embarrassed. He said “Umm yeah we’ve met before.” I replied “We have? I am so sorry, I don’t recollect it.” Then he made me guess where I had seen him before, which was a fun little game, but I couldn’t figure it out. Then he told me that he used to date the girl my son is currently dating, and then I remembered that I had seen him recently with her at a restaurant, and I had a brief chat with both of them. I replied “I’m sorry I didn’t know you two dated before.” He said “Oh well” and avoided the topic but I couldn’t keep myself from cracking a joke and said “Oh well at least she’s doing better in that regard” and laughed and gave him a friendly punch on the shoulder. He laughed and checked me out and said “I wouldn’t be too sure about that.” It looked like he wanted to say something more but stopped himself.

[F] My (42F) son’s friend (M19) gave me goosebumps

My son’s friend got a good feel of my legs last weekend when he stayed back after the yoga session to watch me do a handstand. I was quite confident that he’d find an excuse to stay back this weekend too. But I didn’t want to assume anything, so I decided that on Saturday morning, I’d simply tease him and gauge his response, and then on Sunday morning, I’d stay back to *ahem* help him with some poses.

On Saturday, I was wearing shorts and a high neck sports bra that had thin criss-cross back straps. It was nothing out of the ordinary, but I dressed hotter than usual. And it had the intended effect. I could see that he was looking at me more often and I also caught the only other guy in the session looking at my back. I caught both of them looking at my legs. So, I knew I was being a tease. I don’t move around a lot during the sessions unless someone needs help. So I could not go near him. He was towards the back, further away from me, but we made an eye contact often. I also gave him a smile. After the session, he stayed back and tried to start a conversation, but I wanted to tease him some more. With my back towards him, I bent down and picked up my phone and water bottle and mat. I think he must’ve gotten a good view. I then faced him and with my hand on his arm, I said “I’m so sorry, but can we have this conversation tomorrow? I need to run today.” He said “Yeah ofcourse. I can come in earlier tomorrow if that works better for you.” I had not expected that, and with some hesitation, I said, “Sure that works.”

[F] I (42F) let my son’s friend (M19) fondle my legs

Back in the 2020 lockdown, I really got into yoga and started free classes for some of my friends. Over time, they got more popular and now I am somewhat of a yoga instructor. It’s still a small thing, except that now the circle has extended to friends of friends of friends, rather than only friends.
One of my son’s friends joined these classes last month. Right from the start, he was extremely flirtatious. I had some experience in dealing with guys like him, but his flirting was almost mathematical (I don’t have a good way to explain it). He would know when to stare, when I’d get annoyed, how much to push me, and when to back off. Over time, I got comfortable with his flirting, but I did not flirt back.
Today in the morning, he stayed back after the session and was asking me questions about handstand. I was in a cheerful mood and I was showing him the correct way to do it step by step. He could also do it, but his spine was all bent. He was balancing himself by moving his legs, rather than maintaining a stable balance without moving his legs. As I was helping him, he said “I wish I could do it half as effortlessly as you do it. I look like a flopping fish and you elegant like Ariel (from the little mermaid).” I blushed.
I said, “I’ll do it once again, slowly. Watch me closely.” I was wearing pink ombre yoga pants and a crop top. When I was in position, I said “You see how my legs aren’t strained? How they’re relaxed?” He brought his hand close to my calf muscles and looked at me, asking for permission. I said “Sure, go ahead, see how they’re relaxed.” He touched and gently pressed my calf muscles. I had to use all of skill to not twitch in response to his touch. He then kept sliding his hand towards my thighs and I pretended to be professional about it. His hands were on the back of my thighs and he was touching and gently pressing against them. I wanted to flirt back today. I had wanted to flirt back for quite a while, but never did. I wanted him to touch me more. I said “Relaxed all the way to the spine.” I wanted him to move his hand over my butt but I wasn’t sure if he would do it. He looked at me and I smiled a very neutral professional smile. He moved his hand up but right when his finger touched my butt he lifted his hand and kept it on my back. I hid my disappointment and said in a casual tone “Right, it’s all in the core and shoulders.” He didn’t respond but nodded. He then once again slid his hand down, starting right below my butt, over the thighs and back to the calf muscles, but this time, his touch was softer and he was moving his fingers over my yoga pants while his hand was moving along my legs. He was almost playing with me.
I was starting to get wet. I was also running out of breath and stamina. I then sat down and said “you’ll get there too.” I could see he was turned on. He was looking at my eyes but he was stealing glances at my legs. Everything went quiet for a moment. I said “next time then?” and he composed himself and said “Oh yeah, until next time.”