“Back from dinner.” Second attempt, would love more thoughts.

The second attempt with the same characters from the "Working late" story. Would love your thoughts on this one as well.

As Adrian pulled into the driveway and turned the car off he pondered whether or not he should walk Olivia to her front door. It wasn’t that he didn’t want too, but if an evening out with another woman wasn’t already pushing boundaries of what is right far enough, actually walking her up to her front door too say good night definitely was. He looked over at Olivia sitting in the passenger seat and saw the same hesitation in her, he grabbed her hand, held it tight and asked

“can I walk you up?”

her cheeks went a little red as she replied with a reserved


Adrian got out of the car and quickly walked around to help Olivia out as she opened the door. He grabbed the top of the door with one hand then took her by the hand to guide her out with the other. Olivia smiled at the thought of this gesture, she liked that he was a gentleman and looked after her in this way.

“Thank you.”