I slept so well last night; I guess yesterday was just so intense it exhausted me on a very psychological level. Miss made good use of that fact, though, when she came to wake us. I don’t know what she tried first, only that I woke up to a weird smell and warm, sticky feeling on my face. Still groggy I rubbed my eyes, smearing it everywhere. As I opened them I could see a blurry image of Miss squeezing the last of the boy’s cum from his hard cock onto my face.
“Morning cumsluts” she smiled widely, getting up, wiping her hand on his hair, and heading downstairs. Some of his load dribbled down my chin and dripped onto my chest as I got up and we followed her down. As we served her I could feel it starting to dry in places, and I could smell nothing else. Unlike other days, Miss left nothing over for us, and as we cleared up we could hear her welcoming guests through in the other room.