My work frequently takes me to a variety of locations, often for up to a couple of months at a time. This was one of those occasions and I was expecting to be resident in my new, temporary location for at least three months.
Having been a swimmer for many years, whenever I am posted to a new location I always make a point of seeking out the local leisure centre to ensure that I can keep up at least a minimum level of swimming and this occasion was no different.
Having located a local swimming pool I noticed that they had a local swimming team, and reasoned that I may as well join, given that I’d be in the areas for a while; at the very least go along to see what was happening.
So that Wednesday along I went and having been introduced to the team coach, I was subsequently introduced to a number of the club members; a variety of people ranging in age from say eighteen to mid-forties. One stand-out member was Amanda. Aged perhaps thirty-nine, she was a couple of years younger than myself and had a body to die for: Approximately 5’6″ tall with striking pale blue eyes and wisps of blonde hair protruding from the bottom of her swimming cap, she had a slender frame that was exquisitely complemented by the red Speedo one-piece swimsuit she was wearing.