Her Forever Virgin Ch11: Exchanging Doubts & Texts

Margo found Amy resting on the couch with Terry in her lap upon returning home. She rested her palms on the back of the couch, “So do you think you’ll be gone tomorrow night.”
“Well,” Amy’s eyes directed at the TV Margo made no effort to conceal her grin, “I happen to know he asked you out to a festival thing tomorrow. You said no?”
“No,” Amy responded meekly. Margo decided that instead of trying to decipher a two letter word that she’d just ask directly.
“Yes you did say no or no you didn’t say no?” Margo played that back in her mind and decided she could’ve worded it better.
After a pause of trying to think how to reword the question she heard, “The second one?”
“What have you said to him?”
“Nothing, actually,” Amy’s voice wobbled, “I do want to go. It’s just that I kept putting it off until tomorrow and then now it’s tomorrow. He’s probably asked someone else out by now.”
“No. Just trust me, no. He’s not the kind of guy that would do that.”
At last, Amy turned to look up at Margo with a critic’s demeanor, “Before Brando, you used to do that all the time to guys. In fact that’s exactly what you did to Cyrus just so that you could get back with Brando again.”
Margo felt ready to unleash a flurry of rage but for some reason she also thought back to the time she’d just spent with Yennessa. I could tell her about my fight with Amy next time I see her or I can avoid the time waster altogether. Margo took a deep breath and said, “No, I set you up with him so that you’d have a virgin for your magic cock cage. I just took the opportunity to have Brando for a night.” True enough, Margo figured.
“Oh,” Amy slunk into the couch, “Sorry.”
“Forget it,” Margo rolled her eyes, “But if you want to go then tell him yes. Cy isn’t the kind of person that does first come first serve dates,” then mumbled under her breath, “As if he can afford to.”
“Why don’t you go with him instead. He’d probably have a better time with you anyways.”
“I’m not the one trying to increase my magic powers, remember.”
“Oh yeah,” Amy turtled her head down in embarrassment and said, “I forgot about that.”
“You forgot?” Margo eyed her roommate suspiciously, “Then why did you want to go?”
Spastically, Amy tried to justify herself, “I mean, I still feel bad about ditching him in the morning after the great night we had together. But, I get anxiety at the thought of telling him I’m a witch and then the cage is going to be a whole other thing,” Margo took note of how Amy squeezed Terry in her arms as she spoke, “I just think, like, how can I ask a guy that?”
“I don’t remember you calling it a great night,” after a moment of silence she continued, “Trust me,” she grinned knowingly, “some guys are into that sort of thing. Like I keep telling you just ask him.”
“I don’t know, it just seems so selfish.”
Margo stared at Amy wondering how to spin it into a positive until finally deciding a degree of honesty wouldn’t hurt, “I mean yeah, I guess but at least explain to him why first.”
“Yeah I don’t know if that’ll work. Every time I go over it in my head I just sound like a lunatic.”
Then Margo came up if a curve ball, “You know he blames himself for you bailing right?”
Amy grunted, “He shouldn’t.”
“But he does. If you went out with him tomorrow maybe you could apologize then.” Margo heard a sigh of defeat.
“Alright. I’ll text him.”
“Text him yes?”
“Yes,” Amy picked up her phone while petting Terry with her other hand, “There it’s sent. I’ll see him, apologize and then I don’t know.”
“What did you type? That was quick.”
“I had something in the send box since Tuesday. I figured it still made sense so, yeah. Except, shit!” Amy picked the phone up again and quickly typed something before slamming it against the sofa cushion in frustration.
“What was that about?”
“Just a correction.”
“So do you think you’re going to go spend the night at his place again.”
“I mean it’s up to him, I guess.”
“Oh! So you’re hoping to stay with him again? I’m guessing that maybe you’re hoping for more than just a little chastie for your magic cage?” Margo added mockingly.
She witnessed Amy sink deeper into the couch in what could only be embarrassment, “ Shut up, you’re making me miss my show.”
Margo decided that with the text sent her job was done. It wasn’t worth pushing the issue further. She just rolled her eyes and looked forward to the shower she so desperately needed. As she walked to the bath she added, “At least I got you out of the apartment on Saturday. I’ve got my own plans. I could use the privacy.”
“Wait!” Margo turned her head to see Amy’s head raised glaring at her, “Did you just want to get me out of the apartment on Saturday?”
Margo scoffed as she remembered a similar accusation from Cy, “You know, maybe setting you two up wasn’t such a great idea. You might have too much in common,” she slammed the bathroom door to end the conversation.

Her Forever Virgin Ch. 10: Toy’s Secret

Margo wished everything could work out as smoothly as it does in fiction. In fantasy, things never seem to go as planned because that’s what makes a story entertaining but at least things happened. “Sorry I’m not free til Saturday,” wasn’t an inconvenience that she could do anything with. No last minute change of plans; no shocking revelations that make you look back on everything in a new light. It was just inconvenient. Dear perverts, that’s life.

Her Forever Virgin Ch7 Confused Vibrations

If you’d prefer to read the story in pages rather than a giant block of text then check out the [100% FREE PDF files](https://www.patreon.com/posts/her-forever-free-46234769)

Margo only had to touch Yennessa’s door knob to be transported back home. Upon her return it was back to spots in her eyes from the transport light.

“Amy!” Margo called out in blind desperation. She heard what she assumed was the creaking of Amy’s door.

“Oh, hey! You’re back. So, how was it?”

“Mind helping me out first,” Margo waved a hand in front of her eyes to remind Amy of her temporary handicap.

“I can try,” out of the purview of Margo’s recovering vision Amy began making the same hand gestures Yennessa had made hours earlier only it took her several more seconds. By the time Margo’s vision recovered from Amy’s help she’d already regained half her sight.

“Much appreciated,” since childhood Margo had developed a habit of thanking Amy for any magical assist at the request of Amy’s mom, it was meant to help reassure Amy of her own staggered abilities. From Margo’s perspective it was well earned considering she couldn’t cast her own spells.

“No problem.”

Her Forever Virgin Chapter 6 The First Deed

Desiring to take a break from the situation Amy found herself asking, “So what are you’re plans for the day then? Are you actually going to go out with Cyrus?” With that last word Amy realized she’d probably need to spend the day away from Margo if she had any hopes of getting her mind off it.

“It’s weird,” Margo rubbed her chin, “I thought I didn’t have any plans today but suddenly I feel like there is somewhere I should go. Like I just need to go there,” Margo got up from the table.

“I never got the chance to ask but what exactly were the terms of your purchase?” at last Amy found something else to think about, “I trust Yennessa, she’s not irresponsible with magic as far as I know, but it does seem weird that she’d sell you something all of a sudden.”

“Yeah well,” Margo began to slip on her shoes, “All she said I had to do was tell her how I use it.”

Her Forever Virgin Ch.3 Yennessa’s Sale [set up to lesbain subplot]

“Sorry about that,” Margo eyed Yennessa with suspicion, “I was looking for something to get back at a guy I know.”

“What did you have in mind”

Slowly, putting emphasis on each word, the taller woman said, “I am not sure yet.” What she really meant was “I’m not sure why you’re being so helpful all of a sudden.” Years of being denied from making any purchases Margo couldn’t fathom why Yennessa would suddenly change her tune. Was it part of an elaborate trap? That didn’t seem right.

Margo had never personally gotten to know Yennessa but Amy had told her a few details. While Yennessa was three years older than the pair of roommates she had developed a friendship with Amy during their summers studying magic and was even assigned as Amy’s mentor in her last summer of training. Despite their shared experiences and student mentor relationship the two witches had never become terribly close, only ever catching up when Amy made a trip to Knocker’s. Still, even knowing all that Margo can’t piece together why Yennessa had a sudden change of heart.

Categorized as sexystories

Her Forever Virgin Ch.2 Margo vs Cyrus

A stack of dissipating smoke rose where Amy one stood. Smelling the ashes which represented Amy’s absence Margo’s face curled to a smirk as a bulb went off in her head. She unlocked her phone and began texting Cy.

Ever since learning of the magical and becoming a confidant, Margo has been jealous of any woman who can call herself a witch. She often enjoyed telling Amy about all the trouble she’d cause if she were born with magic powers to which Amy would often sigh relief that wasn’t their reality. Accepting the facts, Margo has always opted to push Amy to be the best witch she can be both for her friend’s sake and the entertainment of seeing Amy become more powerful.

Margo could easily imagine the awkwardness of Amy’s situation and maybe it wasn’t right for her to volunteer Cy like that. But what would be the harm in her just asking him?

If it were up to Margo, she would just trick Cy into wearing the damn thing but she could already imagine that conversation in her head. *You can’t use magic to trick people like that for personal gain. It’s wrong. Blah blah blah blah.*

Her Forever Virgin Ch.1 Amy’s Dilemma [witch][chastity][premature ejaculation]

A witch with mousy brown hair, twirled her wand carefully in a circular motion next to a sphere of molten metal. She spun more quickly as the heated ball began to dissipate. Faster and faster, it rotated until four items remain suspended in midair for a few seconds before dropping on the floor. They singed the wooden panels beneath them slightly but the damage was undone with the snap of a finger once they had cooled enough to be handled.

In one hand Amy held a black key and lock while in the other she held a chrome ring and phallic cage. Pride swelled up in her, she was now one step closer to becoming a more powerful witch. There was just one step left, a problem which, even with Amy’s intelligence, she could not begin to solve. She’d been so concerned with crafting the cage that she hadn’t looked for a willing participant. It wasn’t going to be easy either, for as the instructions warned, “This tool requires the devoted heart of a virgin.”

“And that’s why I’m having it appraised,” said Amy looking up at her roommate and best friend, “I’d really like to use it but I didn’t think through how I’d find a virgin willing to wear it.”

Her Forever Virgin Ch.3: Yennessa’s Sale

*For a better reading experience you can read Her Forever Virgin as a PDF for free over at my* [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/posts/46234769) *(no patronage required for access)*

“Sorry about that,” Margo eyed Yennessa with suspicion, “I was looking for something to get back at a guy I know.”

“What did you have in mind”

Slowly, putting emphasis on each word, the taller woman said, “I am not sure yet.” What she really meant was “I’m not sure why you’re being so helpful all of a sudden.” Years of being denied from making any purchases Margo couldn’t fathom why Yennessa would suddenly change her tune. Was it part of an elaborate trap? That didn’t seem right.

Margo had never personally gotten to know Yennessa but Amy had told her a few details. While Yennessa was three years older than the pair of roommates she had developed a friendship with Amy during their summers studying magic and was even assigned as Amy’s mentor in her last summer of training. Despite their shared experiences and student mentor relationship the two witches had never become terribly close, only ever catching up when Amy made a trip to Knocker’s. Still, even knowing all that Margo can’t piece together why Yennessa had a sudden change of heart.

Categorized as Erotica

Her For Ever Virgin Chapter 2 Margo Vs Cyrus

*You can read chapters*[ *1&2* ](https://www.patreon.com/posts/46234769)*for free on Patreon.*

A stack of dissipating smoke rose where Amy one stood. Smelling the ashes which represented Amy’s absence Margo’s face curled to a smirk as a bulb went off in her head. She un locked her phone and began texting Cy. 

Ever since learning of the magical and becoming a confidant, Margot has been jealous of any woman who can call herself a witch. She often enjoyed telling Amy about all the trouble she’d cause if she were born with magic powers to which Amy would often sigh relief that wasn’t their reality. Accepting the facts, Margot has always opted to push Amy to be the best witch she can be both for her friend’s sake and the entertainment of seeing Amy become more powerful. 

Margo could easily imagine the awkwardness of Amy’s situation and maybe it wasn’t right for her to volunteer Cy like that. But what would be the harm in her just asking him? 

If it were up to Margo, she would just trick Cy into wearing the damn thing but she could already imagine that conversation in her head. *You can’t use magic to trick people like that for personal gain. It’s wrong. Blah blah blah blah.*