[F]22 My anal journey (story time)

Since I’m starting my anal training journey again and you guys asked for updates I thought I’d start with a bit of a story time of my experience with anal so far. And of course for reddit I’ll only talk about events after my 18th birthday…

So I was already no longer an anal virgin when I turned 18 but was still very inexperienced with anal. After I turned 18 I continued the occasional hookup which sometimes featured anal and I owned a smallish butt plug but nothing more exciting than that.

In the September of 2019 I turned 19 and started my gap year (I had finished with secondary school earlier that summer). The first half of this I stayed in the UK to work and save money, during this time I started to experiment with tinder. I hooked up with a handful of strangers which really allowed me to experiment with my sexuality whilst knowing I never had to see them again if I didn’t want to. I also used the age filters and managed to hook up with a couple of older guys who were deffinatly more dominant (and very kinky) and some i had longer flings with, one even became a bit of a sugar daddy and really helped me start my toy collection…