Party Time [MF]

The evening started with a social event for the university tennis team. We were having a flat party and L was hosting. Drinks were flowing, music was pumping and everyone was having a good time. It was only 11pm and I was already pretty drunk, mainly due to too many games of beer pong with vodka and never have I ever. I stumbled through to the kitchen to get another drink. While trying to get the lid off the bottle of vodka, I looked back through to the room where everyone was having a good time. My eyes instantly settled on L and her fantastic outfit. Short skirt. Red crop top. Black bralette. Black heels. She was dancing with around 15 others right in the centre of the room. I have no clue how long I stood staring at her, but when she turned around and our eyes met, she grinned, winking at me and biting her bottom lip, then she was back dancing again. All in a split second. I managed to regain my focus again to pour myself another drink, quickly downing it and pouring another. I turned to grab a bottle of mixer off the counter behind me, and felt a pair of hands slip around my waist. A leg rubbing up the side of mine.

Hush this is a library [MF]

On this day, L and I decided to go for a study day in the library. We got there for 8am, grabbed a private study room and got settled for the day. L was wearing a loose fitting summer dress (and nothing else as I would discover…), I had a pair of shorts and a t-shirt on. The day went pretty well, we took coffee and lunch breaks and got lots done. However, by around 5, L was noticeably jumpy whenever we banged legs or reached over each other to grab pens etc and bumped arms.

“What’s up with you” I asked, as I reached over to grab a folder

L didn’t reply, I looked over and noticed she was clenching her jaw. Then I heard it, a faint buzzing.

“Are you wearing a toy?” I whispered

“Yes” L gulped. “It’s such a long day, I knew I’d need a distraction for a bit.”

L suddenly shuddered, then threw her hand over her mouth. After a couple seconds, she went limp in her chair. Laughing, I stood up to go grab her some water. As I opened the door, she whispered

“Get paper towels too”

Getting off in the forest [MF]

Long time lurker and first time poster. This is a joint account that both myself (P) and L will post on. This story is from the first time we met from my perspective. We both wrote this story together (each having input on the details). Feel free to message us too! We’d love to hear from you ;)

Details about us for you lovely folks:

Myself (P): 18M, slender but athletic build, 5’10 tall, brown hair

Her (L): 18F, athletic build, 5’8 tall, blonde hair

This was the first time we met. We had spoken over text and social media for a couple months but we were both very keen to meet up. We both agreed to meet in a local park/nature reserve that we both wanted to explore a bit. I was nervous, she seemed confident. Walking at a fast pace, keeping eye contact with me as she waved and walked towards me. We set off, heading to try and find the small waterfall in the centre. Our conversations online usually drifted to sexual topics and face to face it was no different. Half an hour in and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t slightly turned on. I had a sneaking suspicion she was as well: taking deep breaths when talking about being tied up, adjusting her shorts, trying to hide a grin.