My wife and I have been fantasizing for years about inviting other men into our marital bed. Both of us enjoy many different kinks, but nothing gets the both of us going like the fantasy of other men.
For her, the fantasy is centered on her desire to be a slut. She loves the idea of spreading her legs and offering her pussy to some stranger’s cock. I think most women do, at some point or another, entertain fantasy scenarios of the wanton slut variety. But my wife really loves the slut fantasy. Her cunt gushes at the mere mention of other men using her twat. She loves her dildos and even gave them names. They are, of course, much larger than my own cock. And so another layer of her slut desire is to be taken by a man with an extra large cock.
For me, the fantasy is centered on my desire to see my wife acting on her depraved urges, and watching her cum on a cock not attached to me. But my fantasy is also equally centered on my own desire to suck cock and fuck other men. Having been actively bisexual in my youth, the desire for gay sex has never really left me.