The start of my comeback [M][FF] (Voyeurism, Gentle Femdom, Lesbian Sex, Exhibition, Breakfast)

This is the first part of the story about how I became the luckiest bastard in the world thanks to two of the most vivacious and carnal woman I’ve ever met. This story spans about a year and in that time I went from an awkward reclusive nerd to a confident somewhat charming nerd living with two wonderful partners. This part of the story contains some gentle female domination, voyeurism and lesbian sex that starts at the ***Sex starts here*** I wouldn’t blame you for skipping ahead. This next section is really long.

At the time my story begins I was a few years out of college and was completely lost about my life direction. I was working crappy retail jobs and just barely scraping a living while depression and mental health issues swallowed up my life until I felt utterly hopeless. On top of that I’ve never been a small person, I stand about 6’ 2” and am fairly heavy set which never really bothered me but years of eating my feelings and sitting around for long hours in front of a computer turned me from cuddly and lovable into just gross and fat.