The D.C. Girl Chronicles: Reunion [MF]

Chapter 8: Only Memories Remain

When I wake up on Sunday morning, she’s already out of bed. She’s in and out of the room, and I’m in and out of consciousness for the first few minutes.

I’m fucking spent. It’s been a long time since I’ve fucked this much, and I’m also sore from the activity of running around Annapolis, and hung over from the seemingly endless amount of weed and drinks. She comes back in and joins me in bed. I begin to realize I’m starting this day on less than 4 hours of sleep.

It’s 8:37 a.m. “Just a Friend” by Biz Markie is playing in the background of the room.

She turns around and buried her head into my chest. She seems completely depressed. I’m shocked by this. She’s tiny, but she’s typically both mentally and physically tough. She’s never shown this outward, non-sexual emotion in the past. Even when we broke up.

“What’s wrong??”

“I don’t know. I’m just sad.”

“About what babe??”

“I just….”

“Do you want to talk about it??”

“I just need a few to gather my thoughts”

“Of course”

The D.C. Girl Chronicles: Reunion – Chapter 7 [MF]

Chapter 7: Bankrupt

We move from the bedroom back to the living room. Once again we’re passing a joint between us as cuddle up on the couch. Her arms around my neck, pulling herself into me. Her legs draped across my lap. Her small hand rubbing the back of my neck.

We finish the joint and she steps away, returning holding a board game box that has to be at least 30 years old. I can tell because the edges of the inside of the box are on their last legs. It’s time to play Hotels.

Hotels, apparently, is a knock off version of Monopoly. I’ve only played the game once before, in the very same spot I move to at her dining room table.

As previously noted, the last time we played she demolished me. As she’s explaining the rules again, I’m silently plotting my revenge. It’s absurd how internally competitive I am. Even with the smallest of things.

I tell her that she’ll need to explain things as we go. What I don’t tell her that I remember precisely how I lost the last time we played .

The D.C. Girl Chronicles: Reunion – Chapter 6 [MF]

Chapter 6: Who Are You Now?

She immediately starts to get concerned about dinner. I suggest take out. “No way, I’m committed to making you a proper meal babe” she shoots back at me.

She’s serious. It’s heartwarming to hear. The comment snaps me back into a brief moment of introspection.

Nearly 12 hours into consciousness this Saturday, I’ve cum three times. Six times in total since I’ve arrived. But the night is young, and time as stated earlier, is moving forward in spite of my perfect sex weekend.

She starts making dinner around 7. She provides me with a drink (more champagne), some trail mix (the best appetizer she can rustle up), and a fully rolled joint that I agree to take, even though I know I don’t need it.

The boast she’s given my sexual ego since I’ve arrived is the only high I need. Yet here I am, puffing away.

Dinner is done close to 8. She sets the table with the precision of a housewife from a 1950s sitcom. Silverware, plates, drinking and wine glasses are all laid out perfectly.

The D.C. Girl Chronicles: Reunion – Chapter 5 [MF]

Chapter 5: Road Trip

I wake up on Saturday morning on my left side. For the first time in ages, I’m her Big Spoon again. The room is way too bright for my liking, so I don’t drift back to sleep. I spend time studying her breathing patter. Staring at the tattoo on her back. Counting her freckles. I don’t want to disturb her slumber. She’s just too goddamn cute, and I like having the privacy to focus on the little things I haven’t been able to experience in so long.

“Nightclubbing” by Iggy Pop is playing in the background from our playlist.

She starts to rouse out of her sleep. She turns to face me. I greet her with a smile, my eyes squinting from the brightness of the morning sun creeping through the blinds.

“Good morning mister”

“Good morning. How did you sleep?”

“Better then I have in quite a while. You’re so goddamn comfortable”.

“Hmmm. Yeah, me too. But to be fair, I was exhausted. Long day yesterday, and we used a lot of energy last night”. (My sweet guy way of saying I know I fucked your brains out last night).

The D.C. Girl Chronicles: Reunion – Chapter 4 [MF]

Chapter 4: Challenge Accepted

D.C. Girl likes to smoke pot…Like, a lot of pot. I’m a bit more than a casual smoker, as I mostly use it as a sleep agent these days.

She is on the opposite end of the spectrum. She can function completely while she’s high, so she smokes quite a bit on a daily basis.

All of this is to say that by the time I was done freshening up after our first fuck in over a year, she’s puffing away on a joint by the time I return.

A quick time check confirms it’s 10:38 p.m.

I join her in bed, and we share the joint. We start to reminisce for the first time since I’ve arrived.

We talk about our careers, her upcoming move, the state of our respective worlds in general. She asks if I still have the playlist I made for the trip we took for her birthday when we were together. I reply that I do, and I throw it on.

We get out of bed around 11 for food, and the best option for us at this point is a frozen pizza.
As we’re waiting for that to be done, the conversation takes a more serious angle.

The D.C. Girl Chronicles: Reunion [MF] (Chapter 3)

Chapter 3: Let Us (Finally) Fuck

After our (rather epic IMO) post orgasm kiss, I allow her to take my hand and lead me to her bedroom.

My first impression is literally nothing has changed. She’s still a minimalist, which I love. One dresser, one night stand with lamp, covered with a light green handkerchief, one twin bed (again, she’s tiny) complete with a blue comforter and two pillows.

She guides me to the bed and she sits on the edge. She lowers her head against my crotch, slowly rubbing her face against the bulge in my jeans.

“I’ve been thinking about sucking on that thick black cock of yours for more than a week. May I, please?” she asks, briefly breaking from rubbing her face on my crotch, seeking approval from me with her eyes, similar to the way Puss-in-Boots looks when he’s trying to be cute on purpose.

I lean down and I kiss her again. I pull away and stare in her wanting eyes.

“Can you?” I smugly reply.

I return to a fully standing position. She starts undoing my belt, then my zipper. She unfastens and pulls my jeans off. I remove my shirt. She removes my boxer briefs.

The D.C. Girl Chronicles: Reunion (Chapter 2) [MF]

Chapter 2: Starting Off With a (Finger) Bang

I arrived at 7:39 p.m. I had to make two trips from my car to her apartment, as I needed to retrieve and place the parking pass she obtained for my weekend long stay. So our first encounter was a brief, yet intense kiss, before I had to run down for the rest of my things.

Once I grab my bags and head back in, I place them by the door. We kiss again, and have a seat on the couch.

“Can I get you something to drink? I have beer, wine, champagne, water, juice? Anything you’d like” she asks.

“Champagne would be lovely” I reply.

“Coming right up!” she replies as she practically bounces into her small kitchen.

The time is 7:44 p.m. She’s wearing a light gray sweatshirt and black leggings. She’s lost about 30 lbs since our last encounter. It jumps out to me how tiny she is. She’s 5’4”, but after the weight loss she looks smaller…more delicate. My cock starts to swell in my pants at the thought of breaking her tiny body into pieces this weekend.

The D.C. Girl Chronicles: Reunion (Chapter 1) [MF]

I feel I should preface all of this by saying the following:

– I haven’t written this much since my late teens/early 20’s. So please take that into account if you feel this is horrible.

– While I’ve been on Reddit for some time now, this is the first story I’ve ever posted involving any of my past encounters through this platform.

– This is a long retelling (8 chapters). I’ll be posting the first two this evening, but only one chapter/ day afterwards.

Chapter 1: The Origin of Us

It’s been sixteen painstakingly long months since we broken up. We met three months into the start pandemic, and spent the following six months together. Or I should say, as together as two people who don’t live in the same city, and occasionally belonged to others in between could be.

I can only describe our time together as the prototypical sexual whirlwind. I typically would make the trip to her place on a bi-weekly basis. The highlight being a four day, three night Airbnb excursion for her birthday (if I decide to write and post here again, the retelling of this event will be the next on the hit list).