Coming home for a visit. [inc]

*I hope you like this one. Also not based on a true story. :) *


“It was nice you and Todd could visit us. I know you’ve been busy with life since the wedding.”
“I’m always happy to visit my parents, you know that.”
“I know, and we appreciate it, really.
“Todd gone to bed already?” mom asked, looking at the clock mounted on the wall. “It’s only 10.”
“Yes,” said Li. “He was tired from the long drive and tireder – more tired? – from the dinner and the movie.”
“That’s all right,” said her dad. “He deserves a rest after the long day he had.”
Li yawned and stretched. “I’m starting to get tired, too. Think I’ll take a quick shower and get ready for bed myself.”
“All right,” said her mom. “Don’t be too long.”

After a quick shower and a blow-dry, she wrapped herself in her towel and walked down the hallway to her bedroom. She peeked in at Todd and smiled to herself at the soft snores coming from the bed. Closing the door as quietly as she could, she turned to the room at the end of the hall.

The absolution of Ethelwyn. [M/F]

*Just something I wrote quickly and off the cuff.*


Ethelwyn sat in the dark confessional yet again, one more time in countless times before her, a routine part of her life these past thirty-two years in this, the year of our Lord 1389. Always the same.

Until today.

“Blessing upon you, my child,” murmured Father Othred in the chamber alongside her.

“Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. It has been one week since my last confession,” she began.

“I am ready,” he said, waiting for the usual; a curse word, a fleeting,improper thought, a snack stolen from the evening meal’s preparation.

“Father, last week I committed the sin of adultery in my heart.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Go on?” he said, expecting nothing more than a sideways glance at the tavernkeeper or the like.

“Father, you know the new blacksmith within the town? The one arrived from Derryshire?”

“I do?”

“Well..,” she paused for a second, “I looked at him like a woman looks at a man.”

“I see?”

“And…and I did more than that! Many times I stole past his foundry – though I could have taken another path! – in order to gaze upon him. And…and I did more still!”

Categorized as Erotica

Home from the nightclub – Part 4 [M/F][inc]

*Hello to everyone who’s read this far. 😀 Part 3 can be found [here!](*



Min-ho woke to a finger in the ribs and a figure standing in darkness by his bed. Blearily, he checked the clock on his nightstand:2 am.

“What is it?” he asked her. “Is everything OK?”

“Now,” she said simply.

That woke him up in a hurry. “Now? Are you sure?”

“I’m sure,” she said.

He rubbed his eyes, then stood up from his bed and took her hands. He looked at her in the darkness, then took her in his arms. He kissed her once, twice, then carefully began to lift her nightshirt off of her, but as before she stopped him, pulling it off herself, letting it drop to the floor. Beneath her nightshirt she wore no panties, nothing, standing before him naked in the dim moonlight. He pulled down his own pyjama pants, and together nude, embraced for yet another kiss. And another. Then they held each other for a minute, her skin soft against his, her breasts warm against her chest, his snail warm and hard against her belly.

Home from the nightclub – day 3 [M/F] [inc]

*Hello, everyone. Here is day 3. You can find day 2 [here](*


Min-ho and Hyeon-jeong staggered into their house, laughing; home after another fruitless evening at another fruitless nightclub. Shoulder to shoulder-ish they stumbled up the stairs, poking at each others ribs or under the arms as they did, laughing at every tickle, each trying to delay the other in order to be the first one up.

“I…*me!*…*I* think I get to shower first!” Hyeon declared, lurching to the top half a step in front of Min. In challenge, Min started towards the bathroom but a flurry of rib-pokes drove him back, laughing.

“Fine!” he said, drunkenly. “*You* go ahead and get the bathroom all wet. *I’m* going to get something to eat.”

While she showered, he picked out his towel and pyjama pants, then went to the kitchen to eat some of the leftover *japchae* left in the fridge by their mother earlier that day before she and their father left for the week with to Incheon to visit their relatives.

Home from the nightclub – Day 2 [M/F] [inc]

*Hi, everyone! Day 1 [here]( for those interested.*


Another Saturday night home studying. Sure, Min-ho thought, could have taken some time for himself to relax, but if he had thought *high school* had been bad for ignored homework assignments piling up, two years at university had taught him that he’d had it easy before. If he spent even a day on his phone instead of in front of a screen, he paid for it the next day. So…study.

Speaking of…he looked at his phone, and saw that it was nearly one in the morning. Back at his assignment and decided he really wasn’t making much headway on it. Truth be told, he really hadn’t gotten much done since he started after dinner; for all that he’d written he may as well not have even started. Maybe it was time to wrap it up for the evening and start over in the morning.

With a firm resolve to master inorganic chemistry by day’s end tomorrow, he closed his laptop and went downstairs to the room off the stairs where they kept their TV. He turned it on, and started up the first episode in the first series in the list. He was more interested in emptying his mind than he was in whatever came on first.

Home from the nightclub [M/F] [inc]

*Not inspired by a true story. :)*

“I’m so ugly.”

Min-ho looked up from his book where he was reading on the couch when Hyeon-jeong walked in after a night out with friends. She was back earlier than expected; it wasn’t quite midnight yet and he hadn’t expected her back before 2am at the earliest…and expected her a *lot* less drunk than she was right now.

“What do you mean?” he asked her, putting his book on the table in front of him. “What happened?”

Weaving over to the couch, she collapsed beside him and slurred to him the whole story; how she and her friends went to the nightclub, how her friends – but not her – soon found men interested in them, how her friends – but not her – were soon having drinks bought for them and dancing, how her friends – but not her – soon found themselves leaving with their new dates and leaving her alone at the table, with no one but ever Increasingly alcoholic drinks for company. Min-ho was surprised she even made it home in the state she was in.

The ceremony of the Goddess

*It’s cold where I am this week. :) *

The cycle has ended; the cycle has begun. Ten years have passed, ten after ten after ten. The cycle of They Who Watch.

The elder women knew the end of the cycle was upon them. They kept count in the knots of the Goddess’s tapestry, in the records in the century calendar; the child born of the last Goddess-On-Earth was now in her tenth year. Even without the tapestry, their records, though, they would still have known the time had come; the year before last the harvest was poor, with so much lost to early frost. The previous year the frost was earlier still, leaving barely enough to feed the livestock and themselves. If this year followed suit they might have to choose between food for themselves or the animals…and if the year was bad enough the choice for both would be made for them. The Winter God ran wild while the Goddess slept; it was time to be woken.

Back at the Exchange [humil]

*This idea came to me one day while cleaning, hope it’s Ok here.*

It’s been awhile since I was last at the Exchange.

The Exchange was a small community; at its core were the people that had barricaded themselves in at Musu point just outside of Dangjin City during the Collapse. Most of those were people who had the foresight to buy, borrow, or steal as much food, water filters and other essentials when they ran *just* after the city was hit by the plague bombs and *just* before it was sealed off by the military. In those first few days the military was more concerned with keeping people out of the city and supplies in; no one bothered with the fledgling encampment until it was too late to do anything about them.

The Exchange core were part lucky, part organized, part selective; no one got in without three things – a negative antibody test, a useful skill, and a contribution to the collective. Food, filters, medications, consumables along with agriculture, engineering, medical skills. One lucky woman in possession of more than a thousand doses of antibiotics was allowed inside despite being stripped naked by the military hunting for looters as she left the city. With those hips and the size of that balloon I was surprised she could even walk, never mind hide it well enough to fool soldiers.

On the battlefield [M/F]

*Please be gentle with me, it’s my first time writing. :)*

She waited until the sun was well below the horizon before she crept out of her hiding place in the ruins of her house towards the firelight reflected from the shattered walls of the building nearby. Fear held her back; hunger and thirst drove her forward. She’d been almost four days without food, and one without water. Though she might be dead if she went ahead, she was certainly dead if she stayed where she was.

She crept silently up to the building and peered through a crack in the mostly-intact wall, taking in the soldiers that sat around their fire, eating food – real food! – that threatened to give her away as her stomach cramped at the sight – and the smells, oh the smells! – of thin strips of meat roasting on metal skewers. Vegetables simmered in a makeshift pot that looked as though it started out as an American helmet and kimchi – real kimchi, her stomach cramped again at the smell of it – sat in a jar beside one man.

Jeong-ja had smelled enough. She would take her chances with those men of the Korean People’s Army.