Another ordinary day [M/F][bd]

*A very quick one just to try to write without editing. Hope it turned out OK. :)*


Yujin smiled as she handed lunches over to her family, each meal packed in a stainless steel tin, a favorite drink on each: milk tea, green tea, lemonade for her husband, who never outgrew the taste no matter how old he got. A kiss on the cheek from everyone, and then silence fell with the settling dust; another day to herself.

She hummed to herself as she cleaned the breakfast dishes, dried her hands on her skirt before sweeping the floor. Tidied the main room, her bedroom, the study nook. Shook her head at the rest of the rooms, and resolved to make them clean their own spaces that evening. Cleaned the bathroom, mopped the floors, then stripped naked and placed her clothing in the washing machine along with the rest of the laundry waiting in the hamper. Showered.

After her shower she wrapped herself in a thin fuzzy towel, perfect in the rising heat of the day. Looked at herself critically in the mirror, frowned at the stretch marks along her belly, ran a thumb along one nipple. Then laughed at herself…she was 32 this month. What did it matter?

A daughter’s revenge [M/F][inc]

*Inspired by a prompt. :)*


*August 17th, 1988*

Jin looked across the cheap table at Yeong-ho bitterly. “We trusted you.”
Yeong-ho took a sip of the tea – not very good tea – that they’d served him and his goons, then sighed and shook his head. “Well, that was your first mistake. Your second was falling behind on your repayments. And your *last* mistake was thinking you could negotiate with me. You owe me money. Hand it over. Now.”
Kyong, Jin’s wife, handed Jin a thick envelope, which he passed on to Yeong-ho. “Here. Everything that we owe you. Every *won* of it.”
Yeong-ho opened the envelope and riffled through it quickly, counting the bills enclosed within. He handed it to one of the silent men sitting at his shoulder and shook his head. “Not enough. You’re still ten million *won* short.”
“But we’ve sold everything that we have!” cried Jin in dismay. “We’ve sold our house, what’s left of our shop! Every piece of jewellery Kyong *had*, every piece of furniture. We have nothing *left* but the clothes on our *back*!”
Yeong nodded, and a smile played crossed his lips, cruel and condescending. “The clothes on your back, you say? Well, that’s something. Give them to me!” and laughed.
Kyong’s face paled as Jin’s reddened. “What do you mean?”
Yeong gestured at Kyong. “Your clothes. They’re cheap and barely worth cleaning floors with, but for them I’ll take some off your debt.”
“No!” Jin shook his head vehemently, and Kyong nodded at his words. “We’ll not do that!”
“Then give me my money!” he slapped the table. “Now!”
“We…we can’t.”
“Then? Your clothes. Give them to me.” Reluctantly, eyes downcast, they stripped off their clothing, pushed them across the table to Yeong-ho, then sat naked back on the tiled floor across from him. He wadded up the clothes, tossed them to one of the silent men at his shoulder, snorted “Rags!” as he did, then let his eye run greasily down Kyong’s slim body, his eyes caressing each breast, trailing down her belly, down to what was hidden below the edge of the table. Looked Jin in the eye so there was no possibility if misunderstanding. “What *else* of value do you two have to offer me?”
*October 10th, 1988*

The worthless wife [F][humil]

*Sorry, this one is not very happy, I was not in the best mood when I write it :(*


Her vision blurred as she chopped vegetables for that night’s dinner. She had known for some time that her husband didn’t respect her much any more, but before last night she never knew just how *little* he thought of her.

They’d met ten years ago in Busan, when she was in her first year of university. He was travelling across Asia, and when his eye caught hers at the nightclub that night it was love at first sight. He was *such* a sweet man, kind, and funny, and their nights in his hostel room were unlike anything she’d ever known before. Or since.

Falling for father [F/M][inc]

*”I hate you, dad!”*

That was the last thing she remembered saying to him when her mother took her to another city across the country more than 15 years ago following their divorce. At the time, he deserved it, cheating on his mother with some woman, denying everything, refusing to apologize. She cut all contact with him, refusing to tell him when she graduated from high school, when she graduated from university, when she got her first full-time job, her first apartment in a different city. Refused to tell him every time she moved, when work finally brought her back to her home town.

She lost her mother in a car accident when she was 28, and afterwards she began to hear stories about what *really* happened all those years ago; how it was *mom* who cheated on her *dad*, not once but many times, how he finally found out, how she refused to allow him to see his daughter while still collecting support, why they really moved; not out of heartbreak but vindictiveness. How her dad truly was as kind and gentle as she remembered him to be.

The English language student, part 2 – her view [M/F][noncon]

*His view can be found [here](*


She had to admit, becoming a hosted language student was the worst decision she’d ever made.

For a week and a half [afterwards](, Mi-yong could almost pretend things had gone back to normal. She’d put in her request to move to the student residence at the university, and was told that there was a room available for her at the start of the next semester. She could keep it together…she just needed to keep her head down and stay focused on her studies until then.

She spent her nights burrowed in English, and was so deep in past-tense verbs that she didn’t hear her door open, wasn’t aware he was back until she heard the sound of her door close. She stiffened in dismay; she had thought he might return but had truly hoped that he would not. Maybe he just had a question? But no, when he came up behind her and grabbed her breasts that told her everything she needed to know. *No,* she told herself, *not this time.* She pushed his arms away, stood and told him she needed the bathroom; when she left her room she would find her homestay mother and tell her everything, and to hell with the consequences. It would cause a lot of trouble for her at school and back home, but she was *not* going to go through this again.

The English language student, part 2 – his view [M/F][noncon]

*Her view can be found [here](*


He had to admit, hosting a foreign language student was the best decision he’d ever made.

After the [first night]( spent with their student, he’d spent the next week worried, avoiding her. Dinner those nights were awkward, with their student avoiding their eye and talking very little during the meal, retreating to her room as soon as she had finished eating. Waited for his wife, Anna, to come screaming into their house accusing him of sleeping with their student, demanding to know what happened, telling them that she’d told Anna *everything*, that it was all his fault.

But that didn’t happen. She said nothing, and coupled with the sidelong glances she would give him when they passed in the hall or met in the kitchen told him that not only was she not angry, but she wanted him, in fact, to visit her again.

The English language student – her view [M/F][noncon]

*His view of the story is here:*


Mi-yong hadn’t realized just how hot and *sticky* summers in Georgia could be. She had thought that summer in *Busan* was hot, but even at its hottest it was nothing next to the heat and humidity that was July in the United States. The only way she could get any relief at all from the unrelenting heat was to spend as much time in her room, stark naked, windows open, the fan her homestay family had given her on full, and pray for rain.
Lately, though, she’d been suffering as she’d had to start drawing the curtains closed against the night, trapping the day’s heat in her room despite the windows still being open. The last couple of days her homestay father had taken to working in his wife’s garden after sundown, and while studying on her bed, out of the corner of her eye she’d noticed him sneaking peeks at her naked body through the window.

A week in the life of Jee-hee [M/F][noncon][inc]

*Reposting because I think last time I forgot my tags. :)*



Jee-hee lay on their bed and watched the clock tick ever slower while her brother moved inside of her; five more minutes and she would have to push him off and start getting ready for the day. She lay there while he thrust between her legs, in and out….three more minutes, two more minutes, one more minute…
“Jun! Jun?” she said to him. “Are you almost done, Jun? Have you had enough yet?”
He grunted in reply, and kept thrusting. She sighed; it was going to be one of *those* days.
“Jun? Jun, I do have to go to work now. Jun?” He made no move to get up. Great. “Jun! I have to go! You don’t want me get get in trouble, do you?”
He froze, then shook his head. He knew what it meant if she lost her job, she’d told him often enough. He didn’t want to be taken away from her and put back into the hospital. She felt him slide out of her with some relief; he went longer than usual today and she was starting to get a bit sore. Still, a smaller price to pay to keep him content; things got difficult when he got antsy.

Sweet home, Kentuckibama [inc]

*Hi, all. This is my first attempt at writing a story set in the US. Hope I got it close.*


“Girl, that was a great dinner, I think the best you’ve made in awhile,” he said, wiping his lips across his shirt sleeve and tossing back the last of the white lightning in his jar. “I ain’t had chicken and greens like that since….well, since before your momma died.”
He put his empty jar carefully on the table, and looked down at his empty plate. “Been five years since your momma died. Still can’t believe no one got word to me that she got that fever just after the army shipped me across to Korea. Still can’t believe you was on your own all those years until I got back six months back.” He looked up at her. “I’m sorry again, kitten. I’da never left you here on your own if I’d known.”
“Pa, it’s all right! I’ve told you that again and again since you walked back through that door! This farm needed workin’ and I worked it. I done proved it the whole while you was gone, and I done proved it the whole while since you got back, ain’t I?”
“Yeah….yeah, I’d say you did. Hey,” he smiled at her, “did you know you turn 21 next month? One more month, and in the eyes of the glorious state of Kentuckibama you can drink all you want!”
She laughed at that and raised her own glass of lightning at him; she’d been drinking since he’d left and never once gave it any thought. “Yeah, pa. I just can’t wait to have my first real drink!”
He looked back down at his empty glass. “Your momma….she’d have been so proud to see you now.”
“I know. Here, you go out and listen to the radio and let me clear up the dishes.”