The Obligation [M29/F28] [Vanilla]

*Not based on a true story :)*


*”Thanks for coming over,” he said, as I close the front door behind me. “I know it’s late.”*
*”That’s all right.”*
*”You know you don’t have to, just because I ask.”*
*”It’s OK. I don’t mind.”*
*”You sure?” he said, a worried look on his face. I just smile and cup his cheek in one hand.*
*”It’s late,” I tell him, walking to his bedroom. “Let’s do this.”*

The revelation [28F/29M][fisting]

*Inspired by a true story. :)*


*Are you ready? he whispered in my ear. I really wasn’t – I was nervous – but nodded, yes. I was shaky, a little scared, but excited.*
*I’m ready.*

*I don’t know why. For a long time, regular sex had been enough for me. Then* that *video, that one that I came across while bored on the internet in places I don’t normally go. In it, she’d been on her back, another woman’s entire hand up between her legs, and at that moment, that idea, that thought of that woman on the bed being* me*, stretched, full, set off fireworks in my mind. In that moment, I wanted to* be *that woman. And for the next week, I both tried my best to talk myself in and to talk myself out of trying it. In the end, the idea of it was too seductive to ignore. I had to. I couldn’t* not*. I asked my husband for help, and in that same night we tried.*

The sister’s late-night visit [F/m][inc]

*Another quick one. :)*


*”Thanks for coming over,” he said, as I close the front door behind me. “I know it’s late.”*
*”That’s all right.”*
*”You know you don’t have to, just because I ask.”*
*”It’s OK. I don’t mind.”*
*”You sure?” he said, a worried look on his face. I just smile and cup his cheek in one hand.*
*”It’s late,” I tell him, walking to his bedroom. “Let’s do this.”*

The Glory Hole [accidental inc][F/d]

*Another quick one. :)*


“*What* kind of place is this?”
“It’s a….well, a kind of ‘specialist’ club. Anyone can go, but there’s some rules. Before they’ll let you in the door they’ll want to see test results from that day, or last few days, showing negative results for a full list of STDs. Once they have that, you pay the fee, match with a partner, and have a good time.”
“How busy is it?”
“Busy enough that there’s rarely an empty room.”
“Well, maybe I’ll give it a try, then. In a few days.”


Later that week Seok told his wife and daughter Hyun that he was leaving for a night with friends, which wasn’t even a lie. After all, he was certain anyone he met at this club tonight would be his friend. His family paid no attention when he left; he was often out with his work colleagues at least once a week.
Nervous, he drove past the building twice before he steeled his nerves and parked a discreet distance away. He arrived at the nondescript door and was admitted by a bored-looking, gum-chewing middle-aged woman. *She’s like something out of a bad comedy. All she needs is her hair in curlers*, he thought to himself as he handed her his test results and the 500,000 *won* admission fee. She counted it quickly, then tossed a sheet of paper on the table in front of him. Bemused, he ran his eyes down the list of rooms and their purpose when one caught his attention. Yes, that. Something safe, something non-threatening for his first time here.
“This one,” he told her. “The glory hole.”

Gomorrah falls [inc][MFF]

*”Don’t look back, don’t look back,” Anna’s father kept repeating as they struggled across the fields, their bodies buffeted by the winds whipped up by the explosion behind them, unbalanced by their heavy packs. The twin cities were gone; radioactive vapor beneath the mushroom clouds hanging orange and obscenely beautiful beneath the night sky. Beside her, her sister Lin struggled on, weeping silently, tears cutting tracks through the dust and grime on her cheeks. Behind them, their mother, blinded by the first explosion as she looked back at their home despite the warnings of their father not to, disoriented by the winds of the second, slipped into the river as she ran, blind, swept away before they could reach her, forced away by the third.*

*No time to mourn. Over the ridge, into the national park. Must hurry now; the wind is picking up and the fallout is drawing near. No other survivors with them. They were one of the last cities to get hit; no other survivors anywhere.*


*Through the park, quickly now. Rainclouds gathering, gathering, drawing closer. Time’s getting short, must find shelter. First raindrops fall, hot and burning where it lands on bare skin. Draw her hood closer, protect her neck, tuck her gloves beneath her sleeves. Turn faces towards the ground, to protect the eyes.*

On their last night together [B/S][inc]

*Another quick, fun one. :)*


The house had gone quiet as the last of the guests went home, and silence reigned for a long while after. She heard her parents go to sleep, and the muted sounds of the movie her brother was watching on TV. She picked up her book and decided she’d give him half an hour; after that she’d do her best to get some sleep before her wedding tomorrow. It was almost half an hour before he came in and closed the door behind him. He sat on the bed and smiled at her.

“Big day tomorrow, huh?” he said.
“Sure is.”
“I can’t believe my big sister’s getting married.” He shook his head. “It seems so *unreal*, still.”
“For me, too,” she told him.
She nodded. “Of course.”
“Then off to Seattle.” He shook his head again. “Never gonna see you again,” he said mournfully.
She laughed and slapped his arm. “Don’t be silly!” she said, “We’ll be back to visit every chance we get.”
“I know,” he said, “but it won’t be the same.”
“Then we had better make the most of the time we have left,” she said softly, turned off her lamp and leaned over to kiss him.

And in those nights, she loved him [MF/M/F]

She was 22 when she met him, so charming and funny in class, and full of interesting ideas and new places to visit. Before him Mi-kyung had never been to a comedy club, a 1920s-themed speakeasy, or a sushi restaurant where the food was delivered on a rolling train that *chuff-chuff*ed around on a track and brought her all sorts of delicious treats at every go ’round. Camping in the mountains was relaxingly wonderful, parasailing on the ocean was exciting, and walking hand-in-hand along the water’s edge at the nude beach made her flush with quiet self-confidence as he told her how pretty she was, as he assured her how none of the other women on the beach could compare. Her first time was on that beach, lying in under the moonless stars on the sand, a single tear invisible in the night as he first pierced her painfully, then stroked her hair as he moved his hips between her legs, biting her lip in growing discomfort as he moved faster and faster before coming within her, hot and sticky as he withdrew, blood and semen drying on her thighs as they lay on the beach and watched the stars above. He told her how special she was, how wonderful she felt, and she felt safe in his arms in the deepening night. They laughed as he left his shirt behind, sticky with their love, stained red with her virginity, and in that night she loved him.

They lay on the hill, and watched the end of the world. [F/F]

*A short one, this time. :)*


They lay on the hill and watched the end of the world.

On her favorite blanket they lay, threadbare and faded from years of use, and listened to the sounds of traffic in the distant city, the screams of the people as they evacuated one building to have it filled again by refugees of another. Su-jin stripped nude, helped Min-ji do the same then, giggling, threw their clothes down the hill to flap and drift in the wind.

They wouldn’t need them any more.

Together, they snuggled and whispered to each other between the calls over the army loudspeakers. Kissed each other’s freckles in all the unlikely places, tickled each other in their private spots. Su-jin brushed Min-ji’s breasts while they watched the desperate manoeuvers of the jets overhead, lovingly teased her nipples while Min-ji caressed her between her legs in turn. Gasped her name as Min-ji licked and nibbled at her join, her tongue along her slit. Pulled at her hair, pulling her close to her as she wrapped her legs around her back, urging her on while she came in the final empty quiet before the first of the mushroom clouds sprang up in the city below. Smiled and laughed and flicked her tongue along Min-ji’s nose, tasting herself in the moisture beaded there, the way she secretly liked to. Ran a finger along Min-ji to get the taste of her, too. One last time.

It runs in the family [F/M][inc][nc]

*Here’s a story in response to a request. I hope it’s OK to read, I wasn’t in a very happy mood when I wrote this. :(*


*”twenty-three years. Twenty three years you’ve been ugly. Useless.”

Mi-cha stood trembling in front of her father, eyes down while he berated her yet again. Clothes too ugly. Not enough makeup. Too much of the wrong kind of makeup. Can’t cook. Can’t clean. Can’t work. No education, never mind he wouldn’t let her go, telling her she was too stupid to graduate, that he ‘wouldn’t waste money on her’.

“Had enough of you. Is there* any *part of you that’s any good?* Any *part at all?” She stood, mute.


No, dad. I don’t want to.

He slapped her, hard. “Listen to your father, useless. Strip!”

Shaking, crying, she peeled off her shirt, her pants. Stood before him in her bra and underwear. He slapped her again. “Strip, I said! he told her, pulling on her bra, breaking the clasp so it came free in her hand. Instinctively, she covered her breasts with one arm, slowly pulled her underwear down to her ankles. Stood there, nude, tears falling free as she keep her gaze on the floor, felt his gaze on her.

Questions Only [MF][inc]

*I was watching old episodes of ‘Whose Line is It Anyway’ with my husband and it sparked a fast,fun story along the lines of one of the games they play on the show, ‘Questions Only’. I hope you like it. :)*
