DANCE OF HUNGER [BBW] [non-consent] [kidnapped] [drugged] [fantasy] [supernatural] [non-humans] [F32] [M40] [M35] [M5000]

…Sophie awoke slowly, as if surfacing from great depth. It was dark. She could hear muffled voices nearby, speaking a language she did not understand. She felt very weak, but surprisingly clear-headed, not something she’d expect after a night in the club… the night in the club… suddenly she did feel a little dizzy.

She tried to turn over, but a sharp tug at her wrist forced her back. She was handcuffed to the bed. Both wrists. She wanted to cry out, to call for help, but fought the urge: who knows who might hear her.

Sophie felt at her handcuffs. They did not feel like regular police handcuffs – not that she had any experience wearing those – but they were clearly heavier, chains much more massive. What was the word… she could not remember and that bothered her more, absurdly, than the fact that she was alone, chained to a strange bed in the dark and surrounded by people speaking no language she could recognize.

SPLITTING THE SPOILS [BBW] [Cheating] [Wife] [M40] [F44] [Phone Sex]

“Honey, this is my coworker I told you about,” said Norton to the short fat pretty woman who came into the living room, “remember, the one from the New Haven office?”

She looked lost for a moment, then snapped out of it and laughed. She had a good laugh. It made her cheeks dimple, and there was an adorable little gap between her front teeth. I found myself staring, captivated by that laugh.

“Your partner in crime? Nice to meet you, partner in crime! I am Maddie.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said, smiling, “I am Bill. What have you heard?” I added with mock concern.

“She is just being dumb,” Norton said, clearly displeased, “she thinks we are swindling the company. I told you literally a thousand times,” he added, turning to his wife, “they give you a daily room and board allowance for business trips. How you spend it is your choice, you can stay in a hostel and eat at Burger King if you feel like pocketing the difference. So Bill here is staying with us and we are splitting the spoils. Is that so hard?”

Feeding Yvette [BBW] [M26] [M28] [F26] [Feedee] [Public orgasm] [Fat admiration] [Threesome] [Erotic feeding] [Food] [Pickup]

“Oh. My. God, this is the girl I saw here last week,” – said Mike quietly, pointing discreetly at a girl who just walked into the restaurant. I followed his gesture and saw her as well. My mouth went dry instantly, rivaled only by the instant stirring in my pants.

You see, me and Mike are long-time friends and roommates. When we were teenagers together, we discovered that among other things we have in common, we share the preference for a certain type of women’s figures. Well, not quite. Mike likes big girls. Big boobs, big asses, big everything. Me, I like fat girls: it’s not the size that does it for me, it’s the softness. But most of the time that point was not valid. Neither was it this time.

The girl that came in was both big and fat. Very big and very fat, easily around 400 pounds. Her top was a size or two too small for her, clinging to her breasts, – on a thin girl, those would have seemed huge, but on her figure they seemed quite smallish – clinging to the rolls of fat on her sides, leaving her tattooed shoulders bare. She was wearing low-rise jeans, her belly hanging over the waistband, jiggling with every step she took.

At A Concert [BBW] [Chubby] [Group Sex] [F25] [MMMM20’s-30’s] [Dubious Consent] [D/s] [Public event]

“Nice ass, baby!”


You turn around to look, and there they are: four guys about your age, standing around smoking and drinking from a metal flask. One of them, a well-built man with a large hooked nose, looks you in the eye and licks his lips.

You don’t really know whether to be outraged or flattered. You decide on a little of both, shoot them a smoldering look of “come hither boys”, then turn around, shaking the mass of your shoulder-length brown hair, and walk away, with just a little more bounce in your step, a little more sway in your walk. Your ass bounces a bit as you enter the building, already filling with other people who came to see your favorite band perform live on stage. You waited long weeks for this — they don’t come to your town often. You give yourself a quick check-over in one of the mirrors on the wall.

Tourist Girl (part 2) [F30 M29] [BBW] [Chubby] [Dubious consent] [Humiliation] [Roommates] [Anal] [Ass-to-mouth]

I woke up to the most pleasant sounds: that of a woman being fucked. That, I thought, had to be Jason, but the girl does not sound familiar, must be somebody new. I lay there for a while, entertaining a thought of going and joining them, and then decided against it. When I am fucking a new girl, I want her to be all mine. I don’t mind getting sloppy seconds, but there’s time for threesomes and gang bangs, and there’s time for good old-fashioned fucking.

My name is Hassan Mustafa. I was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA, but thanks to a Turkish father and a Greek mom, I look like I just stepped out of Arabian Nights, where I was one of the Forty Thieves. Some girls love it, some get scared. I like the ones that do both, and many of Jason’s freshly fucked ladies fit the bill. We are friends and roommates, and we like to share – I bring in the young party girls and an occasional adventurous housewife, and he gets us naïve out of town visitors and shy but horny girls from the Internet.

Tourist Girl (part 1) [F30 M29 M30] [BBW] [Chubby] [Nonconsent] [Dubious consent] [Humiliation] [Roommates] [Sharing]

I see her in the subway, sitting across and to the left from me, engrossed in a book. A large, curvy, soft-looking woman with big heavy breasts. Plump round face, pretty enough to be called beautiful, with a short, slightly upturned nose and big blue eyes behind the thin frame of glasses, pretty pink mouth, a mass of dark blond curls falling on her shoulders. She could be anything from her early twenties to early forties: plump faces like hers are slow to acquire wrinkles. Serious expression combined with glasses makes her look older, but by the freshness of her skin and smoothness of her full lips I judge her to be in her early thirties. No ring on the finger. She is wearing a denim skirt; her round dimpled knees peek out from under it. Her legs are full, white and shapely.

She takes off her glasses to wipe them, and her face suddenly looks naked and vulnerable. I decide that today she is going to be mine.

Bathing Beauty [BBW] [M30’s/M30’s/F28] [Non-consent] [Nature] [Humiliation] [Dubious consent] [Threesome] [Chubby] [Rough Sex] [Ambushed]

The lake was just cool enough to provide a nice contrast with the sultry weather outside. Mae gave a contented sigh and stepped back to the sandy shore. She unbuttoned her shirt, took it off and folded it neatly, putting it down next to her towel and shoes. Taking a deep breath of clean forest air, she started to unbutton her jeans.

This was her lake: in three summers of coming here regularly, she never saw anybody else here. It was a long drive and a short hike away from the city, and it was one place Mae felt relaxed and safe. Still, she did not undress completely, although the two-piece bathing suit she wore under her clothes was something she’d never wear on a public beach. Not that she went to public beaches.

Mae was a very shy girl and she was not comfortable letting people see her in a bathing suit. Her thighs were large, dimpled and wobbly, and so was her belly. Every now and then she decided to diet, but the weight kept coming back.