[MF] Four year story of me being the other guy – Part 2, MSN log

I’m not real solid on dates, but after looking these over, I’m realizing that I’m probably being inprecise. But this is a conversation that happened after Matt found something on my computer screen at a party at my place… it wasn’t that much, but it was enough for him to know that Tanya and I were not platonic friends. At this point, I’m kind of refusing to talk dirty with her online. But you can see how well THAT went. (I’m weak)

11/3/2009 12:55:36 AM Khaymann Tanya That theory was basically it.

11/3/2009 12:55:42 AM Tanya Khaymann And I’m not finished with the talking about that theory

11/3/2009 12:55:49 AM Khaymann Tanya Then please continue.

11/3/2009 12:55:54 AM Tanya Khaymann My sex life with him is not satisfying!

11/3/2009 12:56:00 AM Tanya Khaymann and I don’t know what to do about it

11/3/2009 12:56:31 AM Khaymann Tanya I’m not sure what to tell you, really. :/

11/3/2009 12:56:33 AM Tanya Khaymann I’ve talked to him about it. He’s not willing to do many things.

11/3/2009 12:56:41 AM Khaymann Tanya example?

[MF] My four year story of being the other guy.

So. Ok. This is going to be a little long in the setup, so bear with me.

Dramatis Personae:

Myself. Ex Navy submariner (which basically means I’m a practicing pervert), college student during most of this story.

Tanya: Half Indian girl from out of state. Nerd girl (or used to be). Rather hot, maybe a buck ten soaking wet, and like 5’9″. So a skinny little thing.

Matt: Her now husband, the unfortunate victim here. Former friend (I don’t think I can call him a friend after what happened). Decent guy, maybe lacks a little self-esteem.

This all starts back in college. Circa 2008, I believe. I had briefly joined a fraternity, which failed almost immediately. But the plus side, I acquired some friends in the process. I was an older college student, (had done a stint in the Navy), so it was nice to be forming a new group. One of the members of this group played the WoW(Matt). I ended up joining him in this, and it was grand. We raided, etc. We had an interesting relationship with some of the other raid guilds, one of which was run by this girl. We’ll call her Tanya, since that’s her name. Tanya got some shit from some of our guild because she had come on our vent, and she had a really high-pitched voice. Turns out it was slightly affected, she apparently did that.