Not So Repressed Visit [MF]

As a university researcher, I used to get to travel quite a bit (pre-COVID). One of my best trips was to Iran. As an American, it isn’t very often you get to visit the country.

As required, I had to have a “tour guide” to escort me everywhere. He was nice and helpful, but got very ill two days into the visit. Not wanting to give up the money from the job, his sister Fatima (20) took over the Job as my escort. She was very nice, but her English was a bit more limited – which made for some confusing conversations and interesting food options.

On the second to last night, she had to both pick me up from my conference and feed her brother’s dog (which is frowned upon in Iran). She picked me up and we went to his flat. He was staying with his parents while he recovered – so the apartment was empty (except for the dog).

My [F]avorite Student Teacher – (M39)

Back when I was in the secondary classroom (about 8 years ago), I had several opportunities to mentor student (practicing) teachers. Most were fine, a few were miserable – but one was the most memorable.

Hayley was only 21 and quite curvy. While she was a bit overweight (around 5’3 and 170 pounds), she had very large breasts and a very ample behind that I studied every day when she took over teaching in my class. She had a boyfriend, her first ever I think, but we had pretty decent chemistry that would eventually take over.

In mid-October, we were staying late preparing for the next day’s class. One additional button on her blouse accidentally came undone during the last class period, and you could make out the top of her white lacy bra peeking out. Being a guy and rather obvious – she caught me staring as we constructed a quiz for tomorrow. I apologized, but I got the feeling that she enjoyed the attention.

[FM] Friendzoned to Mutual Masturbation

I was relegated to the friendzone, which really sucked. Jennifer (Jenn) was very cute – blonde, vibrant green eyes, shorter with smallish boobs, but had something about her that always did it for me. Unfortunately, she made it very clear that she wasn’t into me – and there was zero chance that anything was going to happen between us. Still, I hung around in the hopes that something would emerge. Pretty much making a sap of myself.

One rainy Friday night we were at her house watching a movie (Passengers – she is into Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence is fun to look at as well). All was going on as usual, until the mildish sex scene in the movie. Something about it (and my ongoing dry spell) got to me and I got very hard, very quickly. Without thinking, I reached down to adjust myself and Jenn caught me. “What are you doing down there?” she asked. I replied that I had to move some things and she laughed before saying “Do what you have to do.”