[M]y cousins wi[f]e part 11

I get a call in the morning.

Shit has went down.

My cousin has officially moved out of there home and into his mistresses apartment. He was irate last night and punched two large holes in two walls and broke a closet door. She was going to call the cops but didn’t. The kids were absolutely terrified. I asked her if she was okay she is fine. She just hates the fact that the kids were scared. I told her if he ever does that shit again I will kick the shit out of him.

My uncle calls me (my cousins father) and tells me “ your cousin is fucking up.” He tells me what he did and asked me if I could do him a favor and fix the walls and closet door in there house. He didn’t want his grandchildren seeing the holes in the walls and broken closet door for too long. The man has treated me like a son my whole life. I said absolutely no problem I will take care of it today.

I call my cousins wife up and tell her about her father in law calling me to fix the wall she is excited that I’m coming over.

[M]y Cousins Wi[f]e Part 10

2 days later after part 9 she comes over…..

Nothing has changed in the situation involving my cousin and her.

Date night…
I cooked dinner we drank a bunch of wine…

She asked me if I wanted to go into the bed room. She grabbed my hand and lead the way.

[M]y Cousins Wi[f]e Part 9

My cousins wife came over the other day. We sat in my kitchen pounded down a bottle of wine and she vented to me about my cousin. He is moving out of the house and moving in with the women he has been sleeping with for the last 3 years. I asked her if she is ok with him leaving she said she is fine with it, the only thing that bothers her is the fact he is not there for the kids. She then grabbed me put her head on my shoulder and thanked me for all the much needed support I have been giving her.

Here is where it gets good.

The conversation takes a turn and she brings up about the first sexual encounter we had at my house warming party. It was the beginning of her marriage falling apart. She realized months before that she has lost pretty much all attraction to my cousin and the only reason she was still with him was for the kids. Moments before the first time we had sex I gave her and my cousin the house tour she noticed what an asshole he was being to me and she loved the fact that I wouldn’t take any of his bullshit. She told me it turned her on a little bit. (Read part 1 if you haven’t). She said she didn’t know what came over her and before she realized what she was doing my face was buried between her legs and it felt way to good to stop. She said her emotions got the best of her and she wanted nothing more then for me to fuck her.

[M]y Cousins Wi[F]e Part 8

This is a long one.

I received a call early in the morning from my cousin’s wife, she wanted to thank me again for everything last night. The conversation very quickly changed to talking about the sex we had last night. Telling me how she hasn’t been able to stop thinking about it. I asked her if she wanted a date night again soon she said: “yes, definitely.” She also told me that she is going to confront my cousin about the divorce tonight after the kids go to bed. She can’t stand him anymore, he disgusts her and doesn’t even want him around the kids. I told her to call me if she needs to talk and that she is more then welcome to come over whenever.

[M]y Cousins Wi[F]e Part 7

My cousins wife has been finding out more and more what a piece of shit my cousin really is. It turns out he has been cheating with different women for a long time. From what’s she is telling me there marriage is done and there is no coming back from this. She also said that she won’t sleep in the same bed with him anymore. There at that point now which is not a good thing at all. She has also still not confronted him about all the other women. I asked how he feels about her not sleeping in the same bed with him and the ignorant fuck hasn’t noticed or even cares. He is so preoccupied with his affair and his work that he doesn’t even see that his wife is having an affair with me. She says that she is going to hang in there till after the pandemic and take her mom and kids and move in with her aunt who sadly enough recently became a widow. She has a very successful careers day with her mom helping out they could easily afford a home.

[M]y Cousin’s Wi[F]e Part 5

My cousins wife just told me she was in love with me and, I didn’t really know what to say at the moment. Which resulted in me saying nothing. She got out of my bed and seemed upset with me. She kissed me goodbye and said that we needed to talk.

The next morning I received a text very early in the morning saying can we talk? call me. I called her and she said that she wanted this to be nothing more then two people who were attracted to one another having sex and didn’t want to catch feelings, but she ended up catching feeling, telling me that she has lost all attraction to my cousin and is starting to realize what an obnoxious asshole he really is. She said that they have been together for so long she forgot how it’s like to be treated well. I do have feelings for her but I’m definitely not in love and the last thing I want to do is destroy her family. Her kids deserve to grow up with both parents in the same household. I’m thinking to myself that we need to take a break for a bit and let things cool down.

[M]y Cousin’s Wi[F]e Part 4

Please read parts 1,2 and 3 if you haven’t yet

We were laying in bed together after an afternoon of fucking. She just told me that she was in love with me. Which really shocked me, because this was not part of our original arrangement. This just made our affair a lot more intense. She is a gorgeous girl with an incredible body who is amazing in the bed room. If she wasn’t married to my cousin and wasn’t a mother of 2 very young children with him. I think it would be a completely different story and would more then likely be together.

Let me give you a little back story of myself. I’ve never been one for the committed relationship. I prefer to be the other guy. Throughout my life I’ve always preferred to fuck women who were married or were in committed relationship. It works best for me. Now I would never go out and purposely be in search of women who were married or in relationships. The shit would just happen. Like this situation with my cousins wife we fucked in my garage at my house warming. I had no intentions that day of fucking her. It just fucking happened. Prior to the garage fuck I was fucking this women who was in a committed relationship she even had a fiancé and what ended that was she said I do and she didn’t want to cheat on her husband. If you ask me cheating is cheating even if it’s a boyfriend, fiancé or husband, the shit doesn’t matter.

[M]y Cousins Wi[F]e Part 3

Read parts 1 and 2 if you haven’t

After the events of part 2… days later

My cousins wife sends me a message in the early morning saying “can I call you.” In about 10 seconds my phone rings. She starts to tell me that “ I can’t stop thinking about you, that my cousin left for work about 25 minutes ago and I can’t get out of bed and that I’m just laying here playing with my pussy.”( I know this sounds really fucked up, but if you ever met my cousin, trust me you wouldn’t give a shit that his wife is fucking around on him.) I was immediately turned on by this, hearing her talking about, how much she loves getting fucked by me. The phone call started to get a lot hotter, Once we started to talk about the next time we were going to fuck. I was telling her things like I am going to bend her over and fuck her from behind. She then hit me with a shocker as she said this “Please! Play with my asshole when you fuck me baby.” (That was pretty fucking hot, Now remember, I have no experience whatsoever with anal sex or ass play.) I then threw this out there “ I’m gonna pull out of your pussy and fuck your tight little asshole.” You hear a pause on the phone. Then she says. “Please! fuck my ass. I’ve always wanted it but never got my asshole fucked.” Im guessing this might have been a bed room issue between my cousin and her? She wanted anal ? but he wouldn’t do it? Fuck it, I will try it. The next time she comes over I’m gonna fuck her asshole.

[M]y Cousin’s Wi[F]e part 2

Ever since my cousin’s wife and I had our secret hookup in my garage, unfortunately about 3 months went by and life started to take over. Then the fact that the two of us living close to almost 2 hours away didn’t help the situation. We would text back and forth very late at night after everyone in her house was sleeping. She would sext me messages like “ I just came thinking about your hard cock fucking me.” I would text her telling her about how I can’t wait to fuck her again. She would text back saying soon and that we need to plan something and it’s hard with work and the kids.” I got to the point where I never thought we would have sex again due to our relationship consisting of nothing but late night sexting. Which sucks, because I wanted to fuck her again and from reading her messages she wanted to fuck again also.

Then Covid-19 happened….

[M]y cousins Wi[f]e

I have a cousin who if you looked up douchebag in the dictionary you would probably see his picture next to it. He is loud obnoxious, arrogant and to top it all off he is a pathological liar. He is the type of guy who would lie about what he had for breakfast. The one thing he does have is hot wife. She is about 5’ 5” brunette, great ass, great tits, mother of 2 and is extremely genuine and her and I have always had a connection, like the type of connection that if we met in different times in our lives we would we would have definitely fucked.

Then one day this happened….