Freeuse in a dystopian world… (Pt.2) [MF][Freeuse][Science-Fiction]

Ages ago, before diseases and horrific mutations raped the world of it’s resources, love was free (at least, where you were free). Kiss who you want. Marry who you want. Fuck who you want. But that was many centuries ago. Now, what clean sperm and eggs there are must be utilized to their greatest potential. Thus, the repopulation areas were established. Small colonies where those unaffected by disease and mutation, breed under sanitary conditions so as to ensure the survival of the human race. In one of these towns, a young man, now 21, is living his life to the fullest…

Several months had passed since Yorm Rutherfordstonskin had first entered Repopulation Area 54, and he had grown much more comfortable with the nature of his stay. He had plowed his way through many willing asses, and filled many tender wombs with the seeds for future generations, and yet, he still yearned for more. No doubt thanks to the *unique* atmosphere of Repop 54.

Under the massive glass dome that covered the small town, hundreds of thousands of gallons of an unknown aphrodisiac, and some sort of stimulant, were being pumped hourly into the air, and subsequently inhaled by it’s ten thousand or so residents. Hundreds of thousands of men and women fucking every second with the purpose of keeping humanity alive.

Freeuse in a dystopian world… [MF] [Freeuse] [Science-Fiction]

Ages ago, before diseases and horrific mutations raped the world of it’s resources, *love was free* (at least, *where you were free*). Kiss who you want. Marry who you want. *Fuck who you want.* But that was many centuries ago. Now, what clean sperm and eggs there are must be utilized to their greatest potential. Thus, the repopulation areas were established. Small colonies where those unaffected by disease and mutation, breed under sanitary conditions so as to ensure the survival of the human race. In one of these towns, a young man, now 21, is entering into the greatest years of his life…

“Yorm Rutherfordstonskin?”, asked the young women at the gate. Her name tag read, *Penny.*

“Reporting for duty officer”, he stated in a snarky, sarcastic tone.