This is my first post here so I apologize if I’m not the best writer. It’s also pretty long. I’ve been talking to a girl for a couple weeks now. I’m not really into online dating and am actually pretty new to the whole dating scene. I’ve been in one long term relationship if you’re talking about experience. And she was my first sexual partner. I fooled around with a friend but I didn’t want her to be a rebound. So anyway, like I said this girl (I’ll call her Sidney) and I been talking for a bit and she’s really into me. Obviously we can’t see each other and I can’t take her out so we’ve been FaceTiming or calling when we’re both free. Usually for an hour or two in the evening or at night. Well last night something happened. We talked for just under an hour and a half and I was starting to fall asleep. She was very flirty last night and you could feel the tension. I noticed she was in a mood and so was I so I teased and flirted and this went back and forth most of the call in between random conversations but got more frequent. I’m the type of guy that doesn’t make things sexual or rather push it on her unless I notice she wants to to or depending on how she reacts to when I “make a move”. She was really horny that night because as the night progressed, she kept asking me dirty questions, like what I’m into, am I into her, etc. I never gave direct answers and answered her with a bit of dirty banter teasing her. She really liked it because whenever I said something she’d let out a little moan as if it was unintentional. Maybe not idk. I saw that as an invitation to keep pushing the sexual talk and as we talked, her moans became more frequent. There was pauses too where we both said nothing just staring at each other. Eventually she got up and turned off her light. She also had to do something but I forget cause I was basically asleep and had a little nap. She came back like 5 minutes later and woke me up and we were flirting again. We were still FaceTiming but we both couldn’t see anything in the dark. I was asleep as we were talking but I remember she started saying she wanted me a lot. She said how sexy she thinks I am and what shed do when we can see each other. She said she wanted me on her a lot too. Then she let out a moan that was different from the other ones. She got quiet and it woke me right up. I was still tired so I just asked what she said and she giggled. We didn’t really say anything after that. I was almost asleep but my dick was wide awake. I guess she didn’t care at that point or thought I was asleep because I heard what she was doing. Chills went down my spine and my heart started to go what felt a million miles a minute. She moaned more and I tried saying something but she acted like she was asleep even though my volume was up and I could hear her giggling and what she was doing. I wanted to touch myself but also felt wrong doing it because I could only hear I was kind of rubbing myself because I had to, I couldn’t stand it and at one point fell asleep. Well more like drifted in and out of consciousness. I thought I heard a vibe at one point and then her finishing and her belt and zipper on her jeans. I was breathing so loud she must’ve heard me. I then actually woke up when she called my name and said she was changing and getting ready for bed. While she was gone you know what I did. And that was that. Not the most exciting story and I’m sorry if I dragged it out too much. She acted like nothing happened today but said something about how there’s more to her than I think in a flirty way.