[MFM] That Time I Hooked Up with My Roommate’s Brother and His Friend (Part 1)

If you haven’t read the last two stories I wrote, about [how playing matchmaker](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/brqo2k/fm_playing_matchmaker_has_its_benefits/) for my college roommate and the guy she liked [got me some amazing sex](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bws2nf/fm_playing_matchmaker_has_its_benefits_part_2/), I recommend checking them out. People seem to like them.

This is about something different though and it’ll hopefully be a bit shorter. (*Narrator voice*: It wasn’t)

That story happened about 10 years ago and a lot has happened to me since then. I’ve had a lot of great (and some not-so-great) relationships, met the man of my dreams and even gotten married.

But once I had my tryst with Chris, I came out of my shell. I realized that it wasn’t that I didn’t like sex, but rather that I just hadn’t experienced how amazing *good* sex is.

Throughout that whole time though, I’ve always had a pretty voracious sexual appetite. On top of that, I really like trying new things. Luckily, my husband does too. We’ve been together for almost 5 years so we’ve built up enough trust that we can both feel comfortable letting our freak flags fly in the bedroom. We’re both pretty willing to try whatever the other person suggests.

[FM] Playing Matchmaker Has Its Benefits (Part 2)

[If you haven’t read my first story, I suggest you read it since this is a continuation of it](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/brqo2k/fm_playing_matchmaker_has_its_benefits/). I was going to make it one post but it just got too long.

*Onto the story…*


7:55 PM – *“You guys okay?”*

8:20 PM – *“Where’s the beer?”*

9:00 PM – *“Don’t worry about it – party just broke up. You guys alright?”*

Chris and I looked at the texts from Thomas and realized we had been gone for a lot longer than we thought. My head was still a little fuzzy as I came down from the post-sex high.

“Sorry, we got distracted,” Chris texted back to Thomas. “On our way back now.”

We both pulled our clothes on and I quickly brushed my hair so it wasn’t *that* obvious that I’d just spent the last hour giving a blowjob.

As we left my dorm room, Chris grabbed my hand gently and held it as we walked to the elevator. Once we got back to his car, we made out for a few minutes before heading out. I couldn’t keep my hands off of him. We had to go back to the party and at least drop off the beer.

[FM] Playing Matchmaker Has Its Benefits

My first time wasn’t great. It wasn’t terrible or anything…it was just okay. I can’t say I really blame my boyfriend at the time. We were both young high school kids and had no idea what we were doing. But the bottom line is that it put me off of the idea of penetrative sex for a while. He and I would fool around, but we only had sex one more time and that wasn’t much better.

So when I went off to college I wasn’t exactly on the prowl for guys. I met plenty of new people and had a lot of new experiences, just not sexual ones. I lived with one other girl my first semester, Michelle. We didn’t meet until move in day, but we became really close friends over the first few weeks of school. Neither of us knew anyone else at school, since we were both out-of-towners.

A week before the end of our first semester, a guy Michelle had a crush on invited her to a pool party at his house to celebrate the end of the semester. Michelle convinced me to come along.