Well, That Escalated Quickly, Part 2 [MF]

Well, this turned into a bit of a novel.

When we last left off, I had made plans to come in to work an hour early so as to catch Melanie on her way out to her lunch hour. I was nervous as fuck, and really had only a vague idea of how we were going to do this; there was a park nearby, and given the time of day (late morning on a weekday), the lot should be empty. If that failed, I also knew of a nearby park and ride that should provide enough privacy to do… Christ, what the hell were we doing? I’d brought condoms along, but this could be anything from a makeout session, to heavy petting, to sex, to an elaborate trap designed to ruin my life. No, that’s stupid, I thought to myself. She’s into you, this is happening, go for it.

“I know we haven’t really talked about what’s going to happen,” I sent her, letting her know that I was ready for her to clock out and meet me in the parking lot, “but I want you to know that I’ve got condoms.”

“I think we both know what’s going to happen.”

Well, That Escalated Quickly. [MF]

I’ve had an absolutely insane couple of months here, and I need to tell somebody or I’m going to fucking explode. Hello GWStories, let’s get anonymous. The names have been changed to protect the guilty.

We’ll start with the basics: I’m an early 30’s heterosexual male, married to an early 30’s heterosexual female. We have children, and have been married nearly a decade. Our relationship has been rocky for years, steming from the fact that outside of the bedroom, we are both pretty awful at making eachother happy, but we love one another and have worked hard to stay together. Up until recently my wife has had huge issues with pornography, viewing it as a form of cheating. She’s a very jealous woman.

I am polyamorous, though up until the situations I am about to describe, I have previously been 100% faithful to my wife, never acting upon connections that have occasionally formed between myself and various women I have known over the years. If you are not a poly person in a monogamous relationship, you most likely do not know how painful this can be, but I digress.