[MF] LinkedIn turned into office blowjob

Received Office BJ after Linked Connection Request

This happened about 3 years ago. I was single at the time and having very good luck meeting women via Bumble and Tinder. I had plenty of pussy I could call upon at anytime. That’s what I think makes this chain of events perhaps my favorite encounter of any.

I received an innocent Linked connection request. I accepted as I have lots of Linked connections whom are people I’ve never met. I own a company in the Kansas City area…a white collar job. Immediately after I accepted this Linked in request, this girl began private messaging me. She was attractive, and at first kept things very professional as we discussed career paths, our industry, etc. She works in the same industry as I do. We messaged off and on for probably two weeks. Each day, her messages would become more flirtatious and filled with sexual innuendo. We decided we should meet in person to discuss questions she had as far as career paths and also my company was hiring so I thought I’d feel out her experience and basically to see if she could be a good fit.