I was paid to per[F]orm with 4 guys at a live sex show in Las Vegas [Group]

About 3 years ago, I read a post on Reddit about how someone was able to pay off their student loans by performing at a live sex show. Curious, I messaged the author of the post to find out more about it. After some back and forth about her experience, I decided to jump in and see what would happen. She connected me with some people at the club to explore further whether I wanted to go through with it.

I went through a fairly intense and involved interview process over the next several months. I almost told them to cancel my application many times throughout the process as I had second thoughts. But, I eventually completed all of the steps and made it through each round of selection. Then, several months later, I found myself in an airplane on my way to Las Vegas. The trip there is a complete blur in retrospect – my nerves and anxiety were running high thinking about what was going to happen that night.I remember the drive over to the club – one of the few times I’ve ever been in a limousine. As I met some of the others who would be performing backstage, I started to relax a bit – they all seemed so normal, so friendly. That and a quick shot of vodka helped to calm my nerves. Suddenly, I hear my name called and I made my way to the stage. I remember looking out, seeing about 100 people, some sitting just 15 feet from the stage I was standing on.

I got paid to have anal sex for the first time performing at a live sex club [FM]

A few years ago, I read a post on this subreddit about how someone was able to pay off their student loans by performing at a live sex show. Curious, I messaged the author of the post to find out more about it. After some back and forth about her experience, I decided to jump in and see what would happen. Ultimately, I ended up having one of the craziest nights of my life. For those curious, I am 5’4″, fairly petite with hazel eyes, tanned skin, blonde hair, and a small tattoo on my left side.

After I got in touch with the people there, I went through a pretty involved interview process. This included defining some of my likes and dislikes as well as my interest in various types of performances they did at the club. I also learned a fair bit about the club. It seemed like they had a pretty elite clientele who would pay admission to watch sex acts on stage. Performers were paid based on the type of show they did and how much was involved. I told them I was open to most things, but would prefer having only 1 male partner and that anal sex was not something I would be comfortable with. After several months, I opened my email one morning and my heart jumped when I saw they were inviting me to perform at one of their shows. I would be part of one of their “auction shows,” which is one of the ones I had read about on here and one of the ones I had told them I would be comfortable with.

I [F] was paid to perform at a live sex club and have anal for the first time

A couple years ago, I met a friend of a friend who told a story about performing at a live sex club. I was really hooked by her story and couldn’t stop thinking about it. I stayed in touch with her to find out more about it and ask questions. After some back and forth about her experience, I decided to jump in and see what would happen. Ultimately, I ended up having one of the craziest nights of my life. For those curious, I am 5’4″, fairly petite with hazel eyes, tanned skin, blonde hair, and a small tattoo on my left side.

After I connected with the people there, I went through a pretty involved interview process. This included defining some of my likes and dislikes as well as my interest in various types of performances they did at the club. I also learned a fair bit about the club. It seemed like they had a pretty elite clientele who would pay admission to watch sex acts on stage. Performers were paid based on the type of show they did and how much was involved. I told them I was open to most things, but would prefer having only 1 male partner and that anal sex was not something I would be comfortable with. After several months, I opened my email one morning and my heart jumped when I saw they were inviting me to perform at one of their shows.

I [F] had sex with 4 men while being paid to perform in a live sex club [Group]

About 2 years ago, I read a post on this subreddit about how someone was able to pay off their student loans by performing at a live sex show. Curious, I messaged the author of the post to find out more about it. After some back and forth about her experience, I decided to jump in and see what would happen. Ultimately, I ended up having one of the craziest nights of my life. For those curious, I am 5’4″, fairly petite with hazel eyes, tanned skin, blonde hair, and a small tattoo on my left side.

I was connected me to the staff at the club and I then went through a fairly intense and involved interview process over the next several months. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have second thoughts, but I continued to fantasize about the experience and figured it would be a real “once in a lifetime” thing. I eventually completed all of the steps and made it through each round of selection. Then, several months later, I found myself in an airplane on my way to Las Vegas. The trip there is a complete blur in retrospect – my nerves and anxiety were running high thinking about what was going to happen that night.

I [F] have been using the men’s locker room at the gym for the past month

I have always been admittedly looked like bit of a tomboy. My hair is quite short and I am fairly flat chested (A cups). The gym near me opened back up about a month ago. I usually wear pretty simple gym shorts and a t-shirt to the gym. Masks are required, of course, any time you are in the gym or locker room. The week the gym opened, I was headed into the women’s locker room before my workout when someone stopped me – “The men’s room is over there.” I was honestly a bit taken aback and embarrassed. I’m pretty introverted and not one for confrontation, so I just went where I was told.

I walked into the guy’s locker room and there wasn’t really anyone in there. I used one of the bathrooms and walked out without anyone saying anything. I did my workout and went home without really thinking much of it.

I [F] was paid to perform in a sex club and have anal sex for the first time

About 2 years ago, I read a post on this subreddit about how someone was able to pay off their student loans by performing at a live sex show. Curious, I messaged the author of the post to find out more about it. After some back and forth about her experience, I decided to jump in and see what would happen. Ultimately, I ended up having one of the craziest nights of my life. For those curious, I am 5’4″, fairly petite with hazel eyes, tanned skin, blonde hair, and a small tattoo on my left side.

After I got in touch with the people there, I went through a pretty involved interview process. This included defining some of my likes and dislikes as well as my interest in various types of performances they did at the club. I also learned a fair bit about the club. It seemed like they had a pretty elite clientele who would pay admission to watch sex acts on stage. Performers were paid based on the type of show they did and how much was involved. While I was very interested and definitely in need of the money, I did have some reservations about how wild and crazy I could get. I told them I was open to most things, but would prefer having only 1 male partner and that anal sex was not something I would be comfortable with. After several months, I opened my email one morning and my heart jumped when I saw they were inviting me to perform at one of their shows. I would be part of one of their “auction shows,” which is one of the ones I had read about on here and one of the ones I had told them I would be comfortable with.

I [F] performed at a live sex club with 4 guys for money

A little over a year ago, I was at a club on Spring Break and started talking to one of the “Red Bull” girls that was working there. We hit it off pretty well and after some drinks, she let it slip that she had once performed at a live sex club. I was fascinated – I had to know more. She told me a fair bit about it and by the end of our conversation, I was hooked. The money was exciting, but the idea of the experience was even more thrilling.

She connected me to a contact of hers there and I then went through a fairly intense and involved interview process over the next several months. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have second thoughts, but I continued to fantasize about the experience and figured it would be a real “once in a lifetime” thing. I eventually completed all of the steps and made it through each round of selection. Then, several months later, I found myself in an airplane on my way to Las Vegas. The trip there is a complete blur in retrospect – my nerves and anxiety were running high thinking about what was going to happen that night.

I had sex with 4 guys at a live sex club for money [Group]

A little over a year ago, I was at a club on Spring Break and started talking to one of the “Red Bull” girls that was working there. We hit it off pretty well and after some drinks, she let it slip that she had once performed at a live sex club. I was fascinated – I had to know more. She told me a fair bit about it and by the end of our conversation, I was hooked. The money was exciting, but the idea of the experience was even more thrilling.

She connected me to a contact of hers there and I then went through a fairly intense and involved interview process over the next several months. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have second thoughts, but I continued to fantasize about the experience and figured it would be a real “once in a lifetime” thing. I eventually completed all of the steps and made it through each round of selection. Then, several months later, I found myself in an airplane on my way to Las Vegas. The trip there is a complete blur in retrospect – my nerves and anxiety were running high thinking about what was going to happen that night.

I paid off my debt by having sex with 4 guys at a live sex show [Group]

I had been thinking about getting involved in sex work for a while. Then almost a year ago, I read this post on here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/9eoozp/finished_paying_off_my_student_loans_by_having/]. I couldn’t stop thinking about it after reading about someone else’s experience doing what I had only been able to fantasize about.

I reached out to the Redditor that posted the story and really appreciated being able to talk to someone who could relate to what I had thought about for so long. She also was able to explain what she enjoyed, didn’t enjoy, etc. and answer a lot of my questions about how things went. She explained how the club was very exclusive and by invitation only. She ultimately was able to connect me with some people at the club to explore further whether I wanted to go through with it.

I went through a fairly intense and involved interview process over the next several months. I almost told them to cancel my application many times throughout the process as I had second thoughts. But, I eventually completed all of the steps and made it through each round of selection. Then, several months later, I found myself in an airplane on my way to Las Vegas. The trip there is a complete blur in retrospect – my nerves and anxiety were running high thinking about what was going to happen that night.

I performed at a live sex club with 4 guys for money [F]

I had been thinking about getting involved in sex work for a while. Then almost a year ago, I read this post on here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/9eoozp/finished_paying_off_my_student_loans_by_having/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/9eoozp/finished_paying_off_my_student_loans_by_having/). I couldn’t stop thinking about it after reading about someone else’s experience doing what I had only been able to fantasize about.

I reached out to the Redditor that posted the story and really appreciated being able to talk to someone who could relate to what I had thought about for so long. She also was able to explain what she enjoyed, didn’t enjoy, etc. and answer a lot of my questions about how things went. She explained how the club was very exclusive and by invitation only. She ultimately was able to connect me with some people at the club to explore further whether I wanted to go through with it.

I went through a fairly intense and involved interview process over the next several months. I almost told them to cancel my application many times throughout the process as I had second thoughts. But, I eventually completed all of the steps and made it through each round of selection. Then, several months later, I found myself in an airplane on my way to Las Vegas. The trip there is a complete blur in retrospect – my nerves and anxiety were running high thinking about what was going to happen that night.