Playing with fire [FM]

It has been years since I have this crazy crush on this guy, a friend of mine, we flirted in the past but life happened and due to several circumstances, nothing ever happened. We just went part ways.
After all this time, we started talking again but just as friends, I was sure he only wanted to be friends so I left things that way and did my best to control my instincts.

Well, my best wasn’t quite enough after a few glasses of wine.
We met out of sudden and were having this amazing chat at the bar, we were just having a good time, but the funnier it was his company, the more I felt tempted to try something more, to the point where I could literally feel myself getting wet, trying to pay attention on random subject he was talking about while my mind kept distracting me with pervert thoughts.

So we were both kinda drunk and the sex subject came up to the conversation. I love talking to him about pretty much anything, but this was definitely my favourite subject, specially in that moment.