Out for a drive

Trigger warning – rape, non-con


There she was, sat at roadworks in the middle of nowhere. I’d seen her leave home, but, using the van, I was struggling to keep up with her car. Andy and I had been driving past her house when she pulled off her drive, nearly causing me to hit her.

I pulled up behind her at the red light and tapped the back of her car. I got out and walked to the driver’s door.

“I am so sorry, I didn’t see you at the lights.” I said.

“You fucking prick, what the fuck were you doing?” She said.

She got out the car, Katie was 5ft 6, blonde, petite with 30B tits. She was delicious. She was wearing black leggings and a white crop top. It was the height of summer so I was a little disappointed that she didn’t have a skirt on, but the leggings made her legs look great.

“I have my insurance in the van, if you want to exchange them.” I said.

Katie wasn’t falling for that line.

“I’ll wait in my car, you can bring them to me.” She said.

Paying a debt

It wasn’t really her fault, her boyfriend was a drug dealer and someone had to pay. The moment he decided to skim the merchandise, he sealed her fate.

I’d been in her house for a couple of hours waiting, preparation was always key, she was going to be alone tonight, we’d sent her boyfriend to a meeting with a buyer, unfortunately, someone had tipped the cops off and he’d got himself arrested.

She was 5ft4, petite, blonde and a b cup, she was very pretty and extremely fit.

The door unlocked shortly after 5pm, she was completely unaware what was waiting behind the door, if she’d known, she would have run, very quickly and very far. As she stepped through the door, I was lurking in the dark. I reached around and held the chloroformed cloth against her mouth and nose, she fought briefly, but her build didn’t help her chances much.

She came round about half an hour later, she was disorientated. It dawned on her that it was her bedroom, but how did she get there? Why couldn’t she move?