This story took place about 6 years ago, but I’ll never forget it. A solid preface is that this is how I ended up having sex with a 52 year old woman when I was 22 years old.
I was in college at the time, and it was a Friday night. I was on Facebook with nothing going on. I had been friends with Kathy for quite a while, but never really interacted. She had a young son who I’d taught guitar lessons to, but we only ever really talked about Led Zeppelin or other small talk when I’d be at her house. This particular Friday, she happened to message me. “What’s up?” I replied something to the tune of ‘absolutely nothing, how about you’ or some other mundane response. Instead of coming back with an answer, she proceded to joke about how lame it was that I was staying in on a Friday while in college, and that I should be out chasing girls or partying. I told her I had plans for the next night anyways, and was glad to just stay in. What she came back with kicked off an extremely erotic note. “Don’t worry, all those college girls don’t know what they’re doing.” I paused and didn’t respond immediately, but she quickly clarified- “sexually, lol.” I didn’t know what to say to that, but she made it very clear what she wanted to hear. “If you ever need some proper treatment, I can help you out.” I tried my best to play it cool, just in case this was some mistake or joke… “I might have to take you up on that one of these days, haha.” Not my finest work, but I was caught extremely off guard by the proposition. I said goodnight and signed off shortly thereafter. I couldn’t believe what had just happened, but it made me pretty goddamn nervous, and pretty goddamn turned on.