[FF] [bst] Night in the Park, Where the Dogs Are

Frustrated, Carolina pushed herself back in her chair and closed her eyes. It was already late, and still the last shareholders had only now left the conference room, so she enjoyed the silence for a moment. Business was flourishing, and the conference went as she had hoped, which left her with a euphoric and satisfied feeling. As the heir of the Lemos corporation, and with the way things stood now, she was probably the richest woman in Sao Paolo, if not one of the richest in all of Brazil. And every time she thought of that, she felt a certain longing between her legs.

Success and money turned her on like nothing else, and even though she didn’t have time nor patience, nor frankly, even the desire for a partner, she had ways and means to satisfy her urges. When she opened her eyes again, her gaze ran slowly across the long table, still littered with drinks and papers. Her assistant Andressa stood somewhat shyly aside, trying not to disturb her boss, while at the same time being at her service.

Carolina smiled. “I think I’ll go out for a bit,” she said and took a look out of the window onto the dark, sleeping city that lay underneath.

[FF] [Domination] [Public] Aurora Part 1: punishing the peephole whore

**1 – between orange and red**

Aurora, it turns out, is a colour right between orange and red. The more I was eyeing my lipstick in the harsh light of the bathroom mirror, the more I didn’t like the way it looked on me. Eventually, I sighed and redrew it anyway. If I had to wear the wrong colour, I would at least do it with confidence.

Behind me, there was a little bit of commotion coming from the bathroom stalls. As I was still cursing that teachers and students had to use the same toilets in this goddamn college, someone quickly snuck past me and out the bathroom door, a hoodie pulled tight over their head.

Curious, I looked around. One of the stalls was open. Was there something fishy going on here? Drugs? Smoking? I threw my stuff back into my bag and went over there to investigate.

Inside, the stall looked innocent enough. It was dirty and full of graffiti smears, but that was true for all of them. When I turned to get back out, something caught my eye: On the left side of the wall, there were some scratches and what I at first thought was just dirt turned out to be a small hole.

[OC] [FF] [Domination] [Pissing] The flight attendant became my personal toilet

In my work I sometimes have to go out of country to attend to clients, which is why I was on this flight once. It’s not important why and where exactly, but it was a damn long flight. Luckily I was going on one of those airlines (don’t say which) that hands out free drinks during the entire flight. I don’t drink alcohol, so I stick to juices. And since everything is free, I’m not the only one getting refills. I’m sitting next to a german who kept drinking incredible amounts of vodka and got more and more talkative – and unintelligible – with time.

Anyway, what goes in, must come out. Sadly, I wasn’t the only one feeling that urge: There was a long queue already forming in front of the bathroom. “Okay,” I think, “there’s gotta be more than one on this plane.” So I go down the aisles through some other compartments where things didn’t look any better.

I finally go to the business class section. You’ll notice it right away: Different carpet, different seats, broader aisles and somehow quieter. I must’ve looked a little lost, as a stewardess asked me right away: “Can I help?” I explain that the bathrooms in the other sections are all occupied and I was just looking for a free one.