Lodge Adventures: Part 3 [Ff/mmm]

This is the last installment of my series about a pretty debauched spring break I had my senior year of college. This is my last story from this week, but I'll probably be sharing some more from the rest of my life soon!

Part 1

Part 2

The final night before we leaving the cabin was kind of a bacchanal, everything was packed except only what we needed for the night and a mountain of booze. We had rationed out our alcohol pretty well (even though we’d brought an incredible amount to begin with) and we were trying to finish off everything so we wouldn’t have to haul it back into town with us. This resulted in what I’m pretty sure was one of the craziest nights in the lives of most of the people there. The night started out in an incredibly liberated atmosphere where half the people there had fucked the other half before that moment, and it was amazing the whole thing didn’t actually just turn into a massive orgy, instead of only bordering on one.

A sexy [F]ling at a [m]ock Trial tournament

Hey guys. I’ve been really busy with grad school since I last posted, but with the school year over I finally have time to type up some of my stories again. This is kind of a “one-off” and I’ll get back to writing about my cabin adventures (so far here and here) after this.

This is something that happened when I did Mock Trial competitions as an undergraduate. At my school, mock trial was something only a few people did, but those who were in it took it incredibly seriously and spent almost all of their time on it. The idea of Mock Trial is that you and your team, representing either the prosecution/plaintiff or the defendant, are given a case to argue in front of someone pretending to be a judge, who then decides for which party based on whoever’s skill in the courtroom was greater. I was actually really good at Mock Trial, which is how I ended up as the second lead attorney on a team, right behind my boyfriend at the time, who was a senior, as a sophomore. Unfortunately, as I’m sure almost anyone could have seen coming, we’d broken up partway through the year, and were forced to work together for the rest of the year despite having no small amount of acrimony towards each other.

Beer pong turns into [f]ucking [mmm]en.

Hey everyone, I'm back! Thanks for the responses. I'm not going to post a picture of myself, but if you want to know what I look like my current BF says I look kind of like this random internet girl so that'll have to be enough.

Anyway, this is probably the single wildest sexual experience of my life, although I have one more from this week and a couple more from other times in my life that I might post later. This is long.

The day after the day after my sauna escapade, I woke up around eleven to an empty room and faint noises coming from downstairs. Without changing out of my pajamas (super un-sexy, just big fleece pants and an oversized t-shirt over my sports bra and panties) I wandered down there to see what was going on.

Me and my [ff]riend take a [m]an in the sauna

I've been lurking this sub a long time and I finally decided to share a story of my own, which ended up being really long. Tell me if you want to hear more, this is only like the third craziest story from that week.

I was 21 years old, about to graduate from college, and a few of my friends decide that for spring break this year we’re going to do something a little more personal than the usual SB destinations. One of my best friend’s boyfriend graduated a couple years before and gone into financial consulting, so he agreed to a pretty big cabin-type lodge in Colorado and spend about a week and a half there, drinking and shopping nearby.

The lodge wasn’t “rustic” at all, it was actually really well renovated and looked on the inside like any upscale apartment. We noticed as we’re doing our first tour of the place that they have a huge sauna on the ground floor with a door leading outside. I thought it was pretty cool at the time, but didn’t really think that much of it with the unpacking and early wedding set-up.