A FreeUse World – Krista

Krista rolled over and fumbled around to find her phone to hit the snooze button for the third time. She’d managed to fight her way back into sleep twice already but this time she just lay there.

She opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling thinking about how dull work would be again today. It’s all she ever seemed to do. Wake. Work. Sleep. Occasionally she’d get to go for a drink with her friends but at the prices drinks had become, she never stayed for long. As she lay there, her hand found it’s way between her legs and she began to gently rub her clit through her knickers. It had been a few days since she’d been fucked and even longer since she’d cum. She just never found herself in the right time or place for it and was always too busy. It was a waste really. She had a great figure. Petite with a tight but round ass and above average tits. Not big but definitely more than a handful and at 20 years old, everything was pretty perky. She had dark hair and pale skin. Not gothy but definitely not your average run of the mill girl. You could tell there was something kinky about her. She closed her eyes again and filled her head with all the gorgeous people that came into her work, imagining how it would feel to be under them. With them pulling her thighs aparts and….

A FreeUse World – Ali

Hi all, this is a side story to the first FreeUse World story I posted. I’ll definitely write further parts to the main story but have a few other ideas about this world I wanted to explore. Let me know what you think as I can do more too. Enjoy!


Ali woke in the same way she usually did. 5 minutes before her alarm with her husbands dick being forced into her ass. Not that she didn’t like it, but he really enjoyed using her while she was asleep. She’d got used to it by now. Sometimes she’d wake up and just lay there, waiting for his organic alarm cock. He never lasted long, always pumping a dribble of cum into her ass just before the alarm went off. He’d pump harder and harder as the time approached to make sure he could fill his wife and slide his thin dick out of her ass before the real alarm ‘woke her up’. Today was no exception as she felt his cock twitch inside her with less than a minute left on the clock. He pulled out of her and rolled over, pulling the covered up to his neck as he did.

A FreeUse World

I opened my curtains and saw that the postman was already there making his usual rounds. Ali, my neighbour was bent over her fence in a silk dressing gown that barely covered her round ass as the postie plowed his dick in and out or her pussy from behind. She waved up at me as her pendulous tits worked their way out of her gown. She worked a late shift so I knew she didn’t need to be up this early but she regularly came out at this time to get some early morning dick. I smiled and waved back before heading to the bathroom to get ready for work.

The Precum Milking Factory (part 2)

As the ropes lowered, I saw the wires woven into them. Like muscles running though limbs. The ropes were not straight. They snaked down as if they were alive, obviously controlled and manipulated by the wires embedded in them. I looked across from where I was stood. The guy attached was larger than most and had additional ropes weaving across his body to support his weight. I could see the ropes moving and yet none pressed into his body as he writhed around in ecstacy and drool stringing from his vacant face . It was as if he was floating and the ropes were adapting, applying equal pressure at every point to maintain a weightless sensation.