M/F Dirty Cop

First one, let me know what you think. I am a cop and I think about this frequently.

I always ended up in the emergency room during my shift. It never failed, someone would resist, or be too high or drunk for the jail to take them and I would be forced to sit for hours outside an ER door while I waited for the doctor to come to the same conclusion that I did, he’s ok. Today was no different, Kevin was high on meth and chained to a bed in the ER awaiting medical clearance while I sat outside. Now being in the hospital had some perks, and one of those perks was Kate.

Kate was one of the nurses I caught myself staring at frequently. I had never said anything to her as she and I were both married. We had never done anything other than smile at one another in passing, or laugh over someone I had brought in whose antics warranted such. My intuition though told me something more was there. She would frequently catch my eyes, stuck on her ass that seemed to push her scrubs to the limits, and bring them up to her face. I would smile and turn my gaze and pretend like nothing wrong had happened.