[FM] The Accidental Text

So my first job was at a little ice cream shop in my hometown. It’s *really* little and just the quintessential mom and pop-type business. There was never more than a couple people working at a time, and only a handful of employees altogether, most of us part time.

For the first week or so, I was scheduled with a different person for every shift so that I could to know everyone. It was a decent group of people, everyone was friendly enough. The last person I worked with was Jacob, who I had actually gone to school with – he graduated 2 years ahead of me and had never really talked before, but we did recognize each other. Working with him was fine, he was really friendly. He told me about his girlfriend and we joked that my boyfriend and him shared the same name.

[FM][cheating] Ok, bitch, I’ll just fuck your man in your bed.

Last year I had this older co-worker, Rhonda. She was a real hard pill to swallow. Really overbearing and opinionated, loud, just generally obnoxious but somehow was loved by the store owner despite everyone else finding her to be the worst. She unfortunately lives in the same apartment complex as me and told us all she had no car, so I spinelessly got sucked into giving her rides to work every once in a while. Then it turned into taking her to work even on my days off. Then taking her to the store and to run every other errand available. She would ask me to help her carry in groceries then guilt trip me about leaving if I didn’t want to sit around and talk about *absolutely nothing interesting*. She constantly slowed down work and was really just starting to make my life a living hell no matter where I was. I fucking hated her and had no clue how to really get rid of her.

[FM] Just one of the times I’ve been caught

Hi there GWS. I’m new around here and thought I would share a story about the time I got caught sitting on a cock while housesitting for family.

This was three years ago. My aunt and uncle (both police officers) were going out of state asked me to stay at their house and take care of their dogs for two weeks since they couldn’t board them at their regular kennel for some reason I honestly can’t remember. It was around this time of year, so roughly 15,000 degrees outside with 300% humidity and these people have a super awesome pool so suffice it to say I was really looking forward to it, especially because I knew I’d be getting paid really well for it, at their insistence. As a broke student still living at home, it was a great gig.