I [F] set up my virgin co-worker (F) with one of my regular FWB’s (M) and watched as he fucked her in my bed. (Long post)

**This is a very long post but it’s special to me so I wanted to do it justice.**

**As always, dialogue is not exact. It is summarized to the best of my memory to provide an idea of what the conversation was like at that moment in time.**

**I was not very involved during this experience so I can only describe what I could observe from afar. I gave as much detail as I could but there is only so much I could take in since I was just watching. I may have mixed up some pronouns or said “I” when I meant her or him because I’m used to writing abour myself lol. I’m not sure. I don’t have the time to re-read through everything right now so I apologize for any mistakes or typos. I hope you enjoy!**

I had a co-worker at work who I got super close to during my time at that job. We’ll call her Tori. She was 20 years old, straight, and a virgin. She was this really shy girl who was pretty average looking. I thought she was really cute actually, but she wasn’t “conventionally attractive” I guess. She was white with mousy curly brown hair, brown eyes, a slightly of crooked nose, teeth that weren’t perfectly straight, lots and lots of freckles on her face and body, and tiny breasts — but had a nice, tight bubble butt. She was short — I’d guess around 5’3 or 5’4, and pretty thin as well.

Two stories written WHILE I was getting my pussy eaten by a friend [FF] (and vice versa!)

*This is a bit of an odd post but it was something my friend Emilia and I came up with and decided to try. It was a spur of the moment decision after I let her read some of my posts so this isn’t really a well thought out plan or anything. Just something we did for fun late at night. This was all written two nights ago and I post the estimated timespans before each story.*

**This post will be two separate stories, both written in the same night. My friend w/ benefits Emilia was with me as I wrote this. She’s read some of my previous stories and we thought it would be fun to each write one whilst the other is between our legs. First story is mine, second one is her’s. Every word of the actual stories while written while in the middle of receiving oral from the other. Moments that writing begins while having our pussy eaten will be noted.**

[FF] My friend wanted to make me cum as much as possible in one night — It was an incredible, exhausting night.

**(The Katie in this story is the same girl from my previous story which can be found — [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u1kz90/the_time_some_friends_and_i_f_group_got_drunk_at/) This story is somewhat of a continuation of that story. I’ll give a quick rundown so you can understand more about who she is.)**

Katie’s first same-sex experience was at her birthday party one year when us and some other people decided to play a game of truth or dare. During that game she had her first intimate contact with another girl. She messed around with myself and the other girl who was there, Jessie. (Read about all of that in my linked post above). After that party Katie and I continued to hook up with one another on a regular basis. This story is not the first hookup after that party, but maybe the 4th or 5th time.

*As always in my stories, dialogue may not be exact. It is written to the best of my memory, but I can’t remember every word that was spoken. I can, however, usually remember the general idea of what was being talked about at the time. I write my speaking parts based on that.*


[F]ucked in the dirt on the forest floor

**I am currently working on writing down a long story, but I wanted to take a break to tell a shorter one that doesn’t require lots of detail tonight**

I love outdoors sex. Specifically, I love to be fucked on the ground with no blanket separating me from the grass and dirt beneath me. It feels natural, almost primal at times. I’ve had quite a few experiences like this and theres just something about it that I really love. I have a sort of weird sexual bucket list fantasy to be fucked in every national forest in the U.S. haha.

It was a hot summer day when I was 21 years old. I had matched with a guy on Tinder and we had made plans to meet each other and go for a walk along a secluded hiking trail thet went deep into the woods. I wore a white tanktop with no bra and a pair of yellow athletic shorts that were very short on me with a pair of black panties underneath. It was sweltering outside and I wanted as little clothing on my body as was possible.

I [F] gave a quickie blowjob to my delivery driver, but he couldn’t handle it. He couldn’t handle a handjob either.

This is something I’ve been wanting to try for a while but could never get the courage or opportunity to make it happen. I order from food delivery apps a few times a week usually, when I’m lazy and don’t feel like going out. I’ve always liked those porn videos where the woman hooks up with the delivery guy, even if most of them are likely scripted. After posting my first story to this subreddit which was in a similar vein as this idea, I really wanted to give this fantasy a shot.

Since I’ve had the intention of doing this I have ordered from food delivery apps three times. I only followed through on the third and final delivery, which was yesterday. I fantasized about answering the door naked, but I decided against that idea because I only wanted to follow through with a willing participant. Exposing myself to them right away would be fun, but if they were offended by it then that could be a big problem.

The time I [F] took on a challenge to make a guy cum without ever touching his dick — and succeeded

I was on Tinder one night and ended up talking with a guy. We flirted and sexted for hours. We eventually made plans to hook up. He told me that he hadn’t had sex, oral, or anything in almost 3 years. He followed that comment by jokingly saying “Fair warning, I highly doubt I’ll be able to last very long. I bet you could make me cum without even touching me right now actually haha”

This concept intrigued me so I said “Hmmm… that sounds like a fun challenge actually. It could be fun to see if I actually can make you cum without ever touching your dick.”

“Oh yeah? I was kind of joking but I’d be down to try that actually. That sounds hot.” He replied.

I asked him when the last time he masturbated was and he told me earlier that day. I asked him if he would wait at least 4 days without touching himself at all, and then come see me so I could take on that challenge. I wanted him to be as desperate for touch as possible, so 3 years without sex and 4 days without an orgasm would be good. He told me that he can cum within 10-15 seconds when masturbating, so I was pretty confident I could succeed. He promised me he wouldn’t touch himself at all over the next 4 days.

The time some friends and I [F] [Group] got drunk at a birthday party and an innocent game of truth or dare (but mostly just dare) devolved into absolute sexual degeneracy (Long Post!)

**(I have hundreds experiences I can tell you guys on here, and this is just one of them! I loved telling my last story yesterday and can’t wait to tell more of them! I hope you all enjoy.)**

**Just curious if people prefer long stories like this to be written on a single post or should I break them up into parts and make 2 or 3 different posts? Let me know in the comments for the future. Thanks!**

**I’m sorry if the story kind of drags on for too long, I like to give as much detail as my memory will allow. I write these for my own entertainment mostly, because reliving these memories turns me on haha. But yeah, I know it’s a long post and I salute anyone who manages to read the whole thing. Apologies in advance for any spelling errors. I wrote this on mobile without autocorrect.**

**I can do a Q/A in the comments so if you have any questioms feel free to ask!**

I [F] have taken up a hobby lately of bringing random guys into the dressing room with me whenever I shop for clothes

My sex drive has been going crazy this past year for some reason. I don’t know why I started doing this but I did it once a few months ago and found it really exciting.

I went to Target one night around 7pm to look for a new outfit. I was just wearing tight jeans and a low cut top, nothing too crazy. I found a nice little black skirt I liked and a matching black tanktop and began to go toward the dressing room to try it on when I saw a guy standing in a different section who I found really attractive.

He was probably in his late 30s and he was alone. Like I said before, my sex drive has been through the roof lately and I had already been horny all day and my panties were drenched. I don’t know what possessed me to walk up to him because I’m normally a very shy person, but I did. I approached him with my selected outfit in hand and greeted him.

“Hi, I’m sorry to bother you but I have a question..” I said.

He looked over at me and asked, “sure, whats up?”