Poker with my wife, her bf and my fwb

For those who haven't read my previous stories I'm Kai (36) my wife is Haley (34) the bf Ian is (29 I think now) and my fwb Laura is about 31.


If you don't understand Texas Hold em you may need to look up some bits.


"Two pair on Queens" smiled Ian as the sandy haired and broad shouldered guy placed his cards down on the table. Haley and I had folded when Laura and Ian started bidding stupidly out of nowhere. The hands can't have been that good as they were looking apprehensive right up to the river then went crazy. Presumably both had a Queen in hand. Laura my raven haired, amber skinned and large chested fwb purred "Don't beat my witches honey" as she dropped her pair of Queens onto the table with a smirk.


"Well shit." Cursed Ian with a smirk "I thought I had you."


MM the first and only time I took a guys bi virginity.

I had a really bad introduction to guy on guy sex. Mostly selfish guys who are just looking out to shoot their load into someone rather than having a good experience. So when I was asked by a swinging friend to be his first anal experience I was determined to make it count.


Peter came over straight after work at my request and I told him that I wanted to get him comfortable with us being together from the start. The second the door was closed I turned to him, put my arms around him and we snogged as we had in swinging sessions in the past (originally to satisfy a fantasy of a female friend). I told him we weren't starting anything yet and to relax. We cracked open some beers and got the xbox on.


After a few hours of banter, gaming and snogging stops we were completely chilled out. Both of us only in boxer shorts and curled up on the sofa playing a co-op game. I made my move and started kissing his neck and shoulders and said "let's go to bed".


35F/34M/34ish?F A set up story for tonight. I’m meeting a girl for a strange night of fun.

Haley and I have been a little more open with our more understanding friends about being poly and having fwbs recently. Most of them either had some idea already or after the shock mentioned it was very like us. They have immediately accepted Ian as Haleys boyfriend (after making sure I was totally good with it). We were talking to one friend Lisa when she reacted in a completely different way.


Lisa: Lucky bitch you have two hotties in your bed and I can't even handle one. (I'm still smiling at being called a hottie).


Haley: You'll get one soon babe just be brave and don't forget to flirt.


Lisa: It's not that. My pelvis thing means sex is sorta off the table. When I get close to orgasm and everything tenses it gets really uncomfortable. I either have to rush to orgasm or stop. No guy is going to want that and it's not something I want to screen at the dating stage. Dating with a crutch is bad enough.


M35, F34, M28, F34 Haley sunbathing, Ian gets confident (and drunk), Sarah gets brave.

Hi guys. It's been a little while since I've posted but I've not really had a great deal to write about. Sex with Haley and my fwbs has been amazing but after our adventures a few weeks ago we have been sticking to tender one on ones or convenient quickies. Laura and I managed a fast and furious 15 minute sprint and only got in 3 minutes late from work which considering the thundering orgasms we had was an achievement. Winding each other up beforehand helped.


The weather in the UK this weekend has been strange and ended in rain but we had blisteringly hot weather on Saturday. Ian was over for a nice poly morning fry-up so Haley had her husband and boyfriend in one place. With both kids at scout camp we were deciding what to do with our day and looking at the weather we decided to get some drink and sunbathe with a bbq (which quickly became takeout).


Chilling with my GWS peeps.

Hi guys,

Recently I've had a run of awesome sexual experiences as my wife and I are stepping up our game in terms of having adventures. I've shared our heart pounding moment of revealing our kink to a vanilla friend, an adventure put together with a little help from my friends and the unexpected aftermath it had on my friend Laura. It has been awesome to share all this with you and I have recently been more compelled to do so because there seems to be more true stories going up here than fantasy. It makes me feel that my un-porned up account of real events will be appreciated and add to the experience.


Sex has always been my drug of choice. Okay coffee and the occasional drinking session sometimes but if you commit to it nothing pays you back more than a good sex life. I know how lucky I am. I'm in a fantastic marriage and my wife's secondary partner is so chilled out he is fast becoming a permanent fixture. I have a small cadre of trusted fuck buddies to make life even more interesting and enough imagination between us all to keep things fresh and different.

Laura in the park. M35, F31 (I think).

After the little adventure I had recently with Haley link I have been meaning to meet up with my fwb Laura to say thank you and give her some one on one time although she got more than she expected that night.


I contacted Haley for our usual lunchtime get together (no kids just coffee, cuddles and quiet) and she replied with "snowed under baby sorry!!!!". Making a mental note to help her chill out later and a quick note to her secondary partner Ian that she was likely to be stressed I looked to see if anyone was free. Laura was so with a grin I agreed to meet her in a local nature trail.


I like the nature trail. It connects a sleepy English village on the outskirts of Oxford and the industrial estate where we all work. There's no playpark so mothers with little ones and in the daytime no youths. At times when Haley and I have needed sexual relief we have got lost in the bushes to satisfy our urges. I have many fond memories of Haley gripping a tree to stay standing while I, on my knees, bury my tongue inside her amazingly soft cunt.

A quick one. Haley naked, blindfolded and on the road. M35, F34, M28, M59, F31(I think).

Haley was bored last night and wanted "an adventure" so I cobbled a few experiences together with some local fwbs and online friends.


Once the children were in bed I called our babysitter to hold the fort knowing that a bomb could go off for the first 3 hours of sleeping and they wouldn't wake (cough at 4am and you are screwed). I told Haley to wear a summer dress, panties and bra and nothing else. Once the babysitter arrived I gave Hales a good long coat and off we went.


Just to inform those who haven't read any of my stories Haley is a natural redhead, petite and curvy with long bright red hair and the best bright pink nipples and pussy.


I drove all of about 5 minutes and stopped at remote field. Haley looked at me questioningly (we have have had sex in a field under the stars before) and I told her to get out and stand in the headlights. Once she was there I commanded her to strip. She did so laughing and once completely naked I stole her clothes and only gave her coat back. She was then free to get back into the car where she was blindfolded with a sleep mask and told to pretend to be asleep.

Educating Sarah (m35, f34, f34)

Hi guys I thought I would wait around before writing about another thing from our sex lives. Just for a bit of background I'm Kai med height and build, dark hair and 7 inch uncut. My wife Haley is petite, slim with curves natural redhead with shoulder length hair (with the natural redhead bright pink soft nipples and pussy) and Sarah is tall blonde and athletically build with large soft breasts (like a valkyrie).


Sarah and Haley went to the same old fashioned school and had similar old fashioned parents. They were told that sex is wrong and by thinking of sex or wanting it you are a horrible person. Haley has gone through her sexually renaissance with me and now she loves her sex life and indulges in her kinks including seeing other partners and having group sex with me. Sarah in comparison is still really shy around men and fears them apart from myself and a few close friends. She finds being taller and better built than most men makes them intimidated and she has been bullied a lot for it. Haley has helped her a lot and I have been allowed to read some of the text conversations between them (too embarrassed to talk about it in person). Sarah now masterbates, has sex toys, watches porn and (the conversation I remember most) knows the alternate use of the shower. Haley has also shared a lot of details about our sex life although only recently has she started sharing the kinks.

35M turning on a 24F work colleague.

From my posts you know that I'm Kai and my wife is Haley. I previously posted a rant on another subeditor about my employee Laura who drove me crazy by bending over desks, pressing against me in doorways and the final straw, "hugging her knees" while talking to me and treating me to a denim cameltoe that I'll never forget. After she caught me look she looked me straight in the eye and bit her lip. Laura is half Indian, half Scottish petite with amazing curves.


She's been teasing me for months but as there's been no actual verbal flirting and she doesn't know the rules for playing Haley and I, I have not attempted anything with her. I've been treated to amazing sight after amazing sight and more than once I have got home and pounded Haleys gorgeous pussy to get rid of the frustration. She's well aware of what this little cock tease is doing and teases me about it knowing that unless the rules are followed I will not do a thing.
