Study Break [mf] [Public]

It was barely past 2pm, yet already he felt like he had been there all afternoon. Even for someone who enjoyed this stuff, a several hour class at the end of the week was tough on everyone. As the class went on, lecturer dryly exposing about the development of ion channels in neuronal membranes; his eyes roamed around the sun-drenched seminar room. He darted from bored student to bored student, all long faces and glazed over eyes. He could feel his eyes getting heavy too, fast tuning out what was being said, until he caught her eyes again. A few tables over, nestled in the corner of the room, their eyes met for a second time in 10 minutes. Wide, green-blue, and with remnants of clumped mascara in between long lashes. He quickly darted back toward the front of the class, sitting himself upright, and focusing on the lecturer.

Teacher Pupil [mf]

He heard a knock at the door. Getting up from his selection of teaching materials and books set at the table, he walked to the other side of the modest flat to open it. It was her. She exhaled sharply as he opened the door for her, and smiled nervously at the man, greeting him with a ‘good afternoon’.

Friendly, he smiled back, welcomed her inside and asked if she needed any refreshment. She declined, asking only if there was somewhere she could hang her coat. He took it off her and set it over the chair he had set for her at the table. He asked her to sit, looking her up and down as she moved to the other end of the flat. She looked different, he thought. She had makeup on. Not much, but enough to draw attention to the eyes and lips. Her eyes were wider, lashes fuller, with lips more vibrant and plumper than he recalled. Though it caught his eye, he put it to the back of his mind and focused on the aim of the afternoon. She was falling behind on work, and her progress had truly slowed. She needed some special attention and encouragement to get her back up to speed.

Admission Interview [mf] [femdom]

She checked her watch. He was late. She checked the clock on the wall. He was still late. Last interview slot in the day, and still he couldn’t find a way to be on time.

She had been stuck in this room all afternoon, interviewing one ‘bright hopeful’ after another, and wishing only for the day to end. The majority were nothing but insufferable. Smug teenagers trying so hard to mask the gaps in their knowledge and attempt to come off smarter than she was. How desperately she wanted to tell all of them where to shove it, but the university wouldn’t have that. Their admission numbers had to be filled, even if 99% of them were utter troglodytes.