Becoming Lola (Part 2) Lola slides into second

Fast forward a few years, it’s now the summer before my junior year of high school. I got my first car on my Birthday, and my first “real” job, waiting tables at a local restaurant. I took the morning shift so I could spend most of my days at the beach with my friends. I was a swimmer, so l wanted to be in or near water as much as possible. I also liked showing off my curves. I’m not gonna lie, I enjoyed the attention I got. Most of the girls at school still hated me, but I had a small group of girlfriends I knew I could trust and rely on. We relished the fact that far more guys stopped by our spot on the beach than the cool girls’ spot.

The job payed off, too, given that my natural assets garnered a lot of tips. I loved having my own money, and if men were gonna look anyway, I might as well benefit from it. See, I was already learning that sex was power, and I had a lot of power if I chose to use it.

Becoming Lola (Part 1) Lola discovers ecstasy

I was always different than other girls. I remember the time I stumbled upon my dad’s collection of dirty magazines. I was probably nine or 10 years old, and instead of being grossed out or ashamed, I was fascinated! I kept flipping through the pages, looking at all the beautiful naked ladies, wondering what it would be like to look like them. I didn’t have to wait long. In short time my breasts started to develop, and by the time I started middle school, I had bigger boobs than most of the other girls.

I also discovered masturbation in middle school. One day I was rifling through the closet in the hallway, looking for a beach towel, when I found a hand-held muscle massager way in the back. I had heard some things at school about vibrators, so naturally I was curious. I ran off to my room with my new prize and tucked it away for later. When I went to bed that night, I pulled the massager out of its hiding place and tentatively turned it on, nervous about how loud it might be. Luckily, it wasn’t that loud.