First [mfm] threesome

Yesterday my wife and I had our first mfm threesome. What makes it unique is during the threesome she wanted to be tied down and blindfolded and she wanted all the planning done by me. So she had no idea when it was or who she would be fucking. I spent weeks planning it in secrecy finding the perfect guy then the morning of I walked up to her as she was having her coffee and told her today was the day. She seemed excited and we started preparing to head to the hotel later that day. When. We got to the hotel we prepared the restraints and I sent a message to the gentleman that I had found online. He quickly responded that he was on his way and when he told me he had arrived I put on her blindfold and put her wrist restraints on. I heard a knock on the door and let him in he was a large black man if I had to guess I would say 6 foot 2 and had a very large dick at least 8 inches and much thicker than mine. We both took our clothes off and posted up on opposite sides of my wife’s head allowing her to sick us both. I then moved down and penetrated her as she continued to suck him. After a few minutes I asked our new friend if he would like to try her pussy and he jumped up and put on a condom then moved towards the rear of the bed as I replaced him in her mouth. After about 30 minutes of us going back and forth we once again posted up on opposite sides of her head and took turns finishing on her face. She still has no idea what he looks like and I’m not sure she ever will.