My [M] pictures to wife

39, married, dad of four. Committed to fitness and best shape I’ve been in a long time. So much so that I’ve sent my sexy wife shirtless/dick pics while she’s out at work, at the store, with friends, etc. You know, risky places, kind of hoping someone else would see. She wouldn’t admit it but it’d probably turn her on if someone else saw, too. Like if she was at a store and young stud saw and looked at her, maybe she’d go and suck his cock or get pounded in the backseat of the SUV I paid for….

Anyway, this past weekend she had some much needed time with her friends and I was home watching the kids. Somehow I got a few minutes to myself and sent her a shirtless picture of me holding my fat dick. She texted me back right away saying “bad timing!!“ and then told me two of her friend’s saw. Later on we were both horny and I tried to get her to tell me as I ate her pussy, licked her taint, fucked her, but she wouldn’t. Finally, as I fucked her hard from behind she said who, which was so hot and we both came so hard. I flooded her pussy, thank god for BC.