A Lesson After Class

Senior year, everything was going my way. The hottest girl in school, Callie N. Taylor, was my girlfriend and I was tapping that three times a week. I love fucking her in her cheerleading uniform. It gets me so turned on that I’ll admit, I bust early sometimes but she’s never complained. Yeah, everything’s going great for ol’ Holden Cook. Well, almost everything.

Mr. Del Toro’s English class is kicking my ass. I mean it’s fucking English. I speak that. I don’t take the bullshit class seriously at all. I mostly just try to talk to Callie or my bros all class. Del Toro is a dick about it. My older sister always said Mr. Del Toro’s classes were her favorites but she’s into books and theater and artsy shit like that.

“Cook. Taylor. See me after class.” He says while we’re laughing about something or other instead of talking about The Once and Future King. Fucking dork.

The class clears out but me and Callie stay behind. As Flora Reiner leaves the room she closes the door behind her and shoots me a knowing smirk. Dunno what that’s about. Maybe she’s into me. Dating Callie has made me ridiculously popular. Del Toro stands up and clears his throat. Ugh. I cannot endure another dumbass lecture about my “wasted potential.”

Good Girl

Niamh typically hated first dates. Her multiethnic heritage invariably led to a “so what are you?” line of questioning. She always wanted to answer “tired of that fucking question” but instead she opted to be polite and explained her mother was Irish and Korean and her father was Iranian and Guatemalan. Her name was spelled the old Irish way (after her maternal grandmother) and was pronounced like “Nieve.” This always led to what guys thought was a compliment, “well aren’t you exotic.” Yeah, growing up in Northern California, real fucking exotic. Of course that was the guys who actually took an interest in her, instead of droning on with such misplaced pride about whatever the fuck it was they did for a living.

Jackson was different. He asked her about things she cared about and downplayed his career. “Work is all very boring but it’s a means to an end to get to eat at places like this,” he said at dinner. Truly it was the nicest restaurant Niamh had ever been brought to on a date. The first possible red flag (well besides having a last name for a first name, but that wasn’t his fault) was that he ordered for her. What kind of bullshit power move was that? The red flag gave way to fireworks when the food arrived though. It was the most delicious god damn thing she ever tasted. He was cute too. The way he looked at her felt like he was gazing right into her soul. He made it clear that he thought she was beautiful without it being part of any ethnic fetish.

My Faithful Wife Epilogue

This is an epilogue, not really a story so maybe catch up if you haven’t already.
[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lxgvm2/my_faithful_wife/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) :: [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ly9zk0/reclaiming_my_cheating_whore_of_a_wife_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) :: [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lzo4mw/getting_even_my_faithful_wife_pt_3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) :: [Part 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/m0xm70/the_new_normal_my_faithful_wife_pt_4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

When Sharon got a publishing deal she quit working for Sean to start writing. That was the beginning of the end for Sean’s company. Also Brigit sued him for sexual harassment and discrimination. Everything had been fine when she was actually sleeping with him, but once she stopped Sean hadn’t stopped making advances no matter how many times she shot him down. Brigit’s internship was always supposed to lead to a permanent job and when she was denied that, she lawyered up. When Sharon’s book was published it revealed that Sean had also continued to proposition her after she stopped sleeping with him. He had to pay Brigit millions. Then other women started suing him and getting similar settlements. When newer better software came along that supplanted Sean’s his company went under. He was hardly broke, that doesn’t happen to billionaires, but he had less than half of what he once did.

The New Normal (My Faithful Wife Pt. 4)

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lxgvm2/my_faithful_wife/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) :: [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ly9zk0/reclaiming_my_cheating_whore_of_a_wife_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) :: [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lzo4mw/getting_even_my_faithful_wife_pt_3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

There was a period of adjustment but within two weeks Sharon was loving her new role in the family. She became free use for me, her daughter Hannah (who I still thought of as my daughter, despite recently learning her true parentage), and Hannah’s girlfriend Shanice. I knew it couldn’t hold. She was the family breadwinner and would have to go to work sometime, and she was regularly fucking 20 people at her office. As she had been a subservient pet for weeks now I had come to the place in my heart where I had forgiven her the cheating. I was even at the point where I WANTED her to be with other men. But it couldn’t go back to the way it was before. Something about had to change.

Sean Foley came to the house after Sharon had been out of work for a whole month. None of us wore clothes in the house anymore so he seemed surprised when I answered the door naked. Almost intimidated which was odd since I knew his dick was bigger than mine.

“Um, hey Scott, is Shar around?”

Getting Even (My Faithful Wife Pt. 3)

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lxgvm2/my_faithful_wife/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) :: [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ly9zk0/reclaiming_my_cheating_whore_of_a_wife_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

Hannah had not gone to the anniversary party the night before because she had gone to her friend Shanice’s 18th birthday party. Given how the party had gone, that was probably for the best. Hannah knew Sean as her mother’s boss/work friend, I doubt she had any idea he was her biological father. In retrospect I feel stupid for not seeing it. I have black hair and Sharon is a brunette yet Hannah is a redhead like Sean. I have some Irish heritage and Sharon has some Scottish so I just wrote it off as recessive genes. That kind of naïveté goes a long way towards explaining how I’d been a cuckold for twenty years.

Sharon and I waited in the living room for Hannah to get home from school.

“Are you sure you want to do this, Scott?” Sharon asked, desperate for a way out.

“Absolutely.” I said.

Hannah arrived home within 20 minutes and to our surprise Shanice was with her. While the two had similar personalities they couldn’t look more different: Hannah, a pale redhead, and Shanice, the dark-skinned daughter of Ethiopian immigrants.

Reclaiming My Cheating Whore of a Wife (My Faithful Wife Pt. 2)

[if you need to get up to speed… this story really doesn’t stand on its own.](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lxgvm2/my_faithful_wife/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

“So… Lola?” Sharon asked. “She’s barely older than Hannah.”

“I’m sorry, are you really getting on my ass for MY marital indiscretion?” I asked incredulously. She had some nerve. She knows I saw her getting ass-fucked by a coworker. She can probably figure out that means I saw her fucking her boss Sean earlier. While she’s been playing me for a fool for decades, she can probably guess that I’ve figured out she’s been fucking Sean for a long time. What she didn’t know I knew was that Sean was our daughter three Hannah’s biological father.

“I mean…” Sharon stalled. “Have there been others? Your artist friends are all about that free-love polyamory shit. How do I know you haven’t fucked half of Silver Lake?” I recognized this tactic. It was something her company’s PR guy Dennis had always said: if you’re caught doing something deny, deny, deny, and make wild counter accusations. (Hell, now I figured she probably fucked Dennis too.)

My Faithful Wife

Warning: this title is sarcastic, so ya been warned. If you don’t like cuck porn, stop reading and get on with your life instead of bitching in the comments.

Sharon and I had been together since high school. Everyone had looked at me like a god for dating the hottest girl in the senior class when I was only a sophomore. Everyone assumed she would dump me when she went off to college but we did those two years long-distance and when I graduated I joined her. Of course I got her pregnant pretty much as soon as I arrived and we were married shortly thereafter. Since she already had two years towards her degree, she finished school while I was a stay-at-home dad to our little angel, Hannah. I was an artist so I didn’t really need a degree to succeed anyway, while she was going into software engineering. After she graduated her friend Sean (who had graduated a couple years earlier) invited her to work at his startup in California. I sold a painting or two here and there and even got a volume of poetry published, but when Sean’s company hit it big it was her job that made us millionaires.

Sex, Drugs, & Rock ‘n Roll Part 3

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/k38y5b/sex_drugs_rock_n_roll_part_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

“Ok… let me get all this straight…” Eurydice’s girlfriend Becca said. “You went to go meet your long lost rock star father… then you fuck him… and then you double teamed your Uber driver on the way over here. Do I have everything right?”

Eurydice nodded meekly.

“I didn’t know she was my daughter until after the sex,” Dick added in self-defense.

“And the threesome?”

“Well… we didn’t actually touch during that.” Dick knew he didn’t have a leg to stand on. If he had the chance to fuck Eurydice again right now he would take it. Even now that he knew. In fact even hearing the evening’s depravity described back to him made him hard. He hoped Becca didn’t notice. His pants were tight and didn’t do much to conceal almost eight thick inches of tumescence.

“We were talking about having kids, Eury.”

“I know, babe, and I still want to!”

Dick thought Holy shit, I could be a grandfather soon? He wasn’t even 40 and felt old as fuck.

“I was going to propose,” Becca said.

“Oh my god, I absolutely say yes.”

Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n Roll Part 2

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/k1ge33/sex_drugs_and_rock_n_roll/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

Dick Fury sat in the back of the Uber with Eurydice, the girl he had fucked after the show who was now claiming that she was his daughter. She had a photo of her mother at 18 and Dick thought she absolutely looked familiar but he had been with literally thousands of girls since making it in music. The supposed timeline, as Dick understood it, was that in 2002 he had fucked an 18-year-old groupie named Jalinda Iha. Jalinda had gotten pregnant and had a daughter named Eurydice, after one of Dick’s band’s songs. Jalinda never told Eurydice who her father was until her 18th birthday, after which Eurydice had come to introduce herself to her father… and her father had seduced her before she could share the information of her parentage. Dick had asked Eurydice so many times why she hadn’t said anything or told him to stop. He hadn’t been forceful. She replied that she knew it was wrong but in the moment it had just felt so right.

“You’re Dick Fury, right?” Their Uber driver, Jessa, broke the silence. Jessa had bright blue hair and a nose ring, definitely someone who would fit in in the crowd of an F-Ups show.

Sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll

“Sacra-fucking-mento, how you doing?” Dick Fury shouted to the crowd. The normal incoherent “woo” and “yeah” responses came flooding back, the wave of sound hitting Dick on the stage. Dick launched back into his usually stage banter. “I’m having a good fucking time too. So good it should be criminal… In fact I’d say having this much fun is… barely legal…”

The crowd roared as the band launched into “Barely Legal.” The F-Ups had songs about social issues and tearing down the oppressive systems that keep the common man down… but their biggest hit was about fucking teenagers. Dick thought it was just as well. In twenty years of playing punk (pop punk if he was really honest with himself) they hadn’t toppled a single power structure, but all of them had fucked a ton of a teenagers. “Barely Legal” had actually started out being about voting, but since it was on the major label debut the suits wanted something edgy yet marketable and youth voter turnout didn’t fit the bill. So instead he leaned into the title (which Dick had intended to be cheeky) and wrote a song about the pleasures of fucking 18-year-olds. Speaking of, it was time for Dick to scan the crowd for tonight’s offering. There were a lot of options.